Old friends...

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Y/n pov:
For the past two days Taehyung is sleeping with us I can't stand it any more three persons in one bed with two of them moving all the time is too much for me to handle.
Now we are all sitting in the living room Bangtans dicide to go clubbing we were suppose to go with them but dad call me and tell me that we have to go and handle some business so we told hem that we will stay at home as soon as they left we all get to our rooms to get ready for today's mission.
I went to my room and get dress this what I wear:

I went to my room and get dress this what I wear:

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I wear my black sneakers with my mask and cap so noone can recognise me(after all I have purple) hair and when downstairs all of them were ready dressed in black with their masks and caps on

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I wear my black sneakers with my mask and cap so noone can recognise me(after all I have purple) hair and when downstairs all of them were ready dressed in black with their masks and caps on.This time I let all my tattoos showed except that one with Jimins name
Y/n:So are you ready
Them:Yes boss
Y/n: let's go then
We all went to the garage and I get on my motorbike and we ried to the place the thinks is that someone keep doing criems and pout the blame on us so the others could be against us, against me.
We arrived at the place(photo at the begin) and we saw a group of people gathered there
Y/n: so what's the deal? Why do you keep acouzin us for think that we haven't done
???: You see black angel we don't want a b#ch like you to be our mafia queen so we dicide to take the situation in our hands
Y/n: how selling drags in teens and killing inocent people
???: You know that if we do thinks like that and make them believe that you did it then they will lose the respect that they have on you and they will probably kill you
At that moment my blood start boiling from the anger
Y/n: well you did a huge mistake so get ready to pay the consciousness.Guys ( I give them a nod)
And they start fighting. Each one of us start fighting I get they leader and start fighting he was really strong and one moment he heed me with something on my head and the guy get the opportunity to get of my mask but as he was about to do it someone punch him and he start running away.
As I lift my head I heard her speaking
???:long time no see Angel
A smile appear on my face as I saw her
Y/n: it's nice to see you again Nikol
Nikol is my best friend from school together with her sister Sofia we were the best team but unfortunately Sofia is with her boyfriend and she had to leave us for a while.
Nikol is her nickname her real name is Nikoleta and she is a hacker back then both of them help me a lot
Nikol: So let's move
Y/n: yea let's go
We fight for a little bit and we managed to take some of them as your prisoners we lock them on our basement in our base and went to our dorm. When we arrived noone was there I guess boys hadn't arrived yet we all wen and change our clones and sit at the living room to speak
Y/n: so for long will you stay here?
Nikol: I don't know it depends
Y/n: on what?
Nikol:  I really don't know I will just stay for a while and if I find anything interesting I will stay longer
Y/n: where are you going to stay you can came and stay with us here
Nikol: no I prefere to stay at my house but I will definitely come for a sleepover
Y/n: you are always welcome we will sleep at my room so we will discuss without anyone bothering us
Jackson: and where I am suppose to sleep that night
Nikol: You are still sleeping with that stupid
Jackson: eei I am not stupid
Nikol: If you say so
Y/n: yes we still sleep together
Gd: so how have you been
Nikol: You know still the same I do some hacking for my dad some times my unnie is still on Norway so I got bored and dicide to come and visit you and my hometown
Youngie: so do you have a boyfriend perhaps or something like that
Nikol: no you know that-
All: you are still waiting for the only one the love of your love
Nikol: eii stop with that
That moment the door open and boys came inside the house
J-hope: hey guys what are you doing? Oo who is this
Y/n: oo this is my friend Nikol. Nikol those are my friends and brothers and Bts this is my  friend Nikol. Introduce your selves guys.
They all introduce your selves and when it comes Taes turn he was somehow like this:

And Nikol has the exact same face wait what is happening hereKookie:Hyung he shakes him

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And Nikol has the exact same face wait what is happening here
Kookie:Hyung he shakes him. Hyung introduce your self
Tae: hey beautiful nice to meet you I am Kim Taehyung but you can call me Tae or oppa
Nikol: Niçe to meet you too tae.
Nikol:Why didn't tell me that your brother was hot( she wishpered on me)
Wait what
Then I saw my brother and he was... Winking on her and she was blushing what the...

 Winking on her and she was blushing what the

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Y/n: hey stop flirting with my friend.Hey stop it
Tae: why she is cute after all
Nikol: YEA he is right I think you are cute too tae
Tae: so do you want to go for a walk
Nikol: i would love to
Tae: cool lets go then bye guys we are living
And with that they left
Y/n: what the hell just happened?

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