Into the Future

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Redcliffe castle was huge. She had not gotten a chance to catch a glimpse of it the last time they were there and she was utterly impressed. A playful note brought by a raven had informed her that Dorian was in place with Leliana's people by the old broken down windmill. Bull and Varric had both agreed to come along as her back up in spite of the quickness in which they had to prepare to leave after just returning to Haven. Varric complained the whole time, but Evelyn had come to realize that it was just his way. He did it in good humor and she teased him back about it.

The castle loomed in front of her, blotting out the sun as she craned her neck to allow her eyes to follow multiple spires into the sky. Instead of gargoyles as she was used to in Ostwick, and Lions in Orlais, there were statues of Mabari placed all around the structure. They were admitted to the entrance hall where they were stopped by helmed guards. "Announce us," she said with a sneer as they barred her way.

A blonde man dressed in clothing that marked him as Ferelden, as much as his hair did, strode forward to greet them. "The Magister's invitation was for Mistress Trevelyan alone. The rest will wait here."

"They have to accompany me," Evelyn insisted. "You wouldn't deprive me of my attaches, would you?"

Seconds that felt like hours ticked by as the man regarded them, his eyes sizing them up, while she found herself glaring in defiance. Without a word he finally nodded and turned to lead them to the throne room. They mounted a set of stairs and arrived at a finely crafted oak door with more Mabari carved into it. The man pushed it open and Evelyn was greeted by an almost barren room. It was rectangular in shape split halfway to the dais by another set of stairs. Evelyn chose to remain at the crest of the stairs and make Alexius come to her as the man that had brought them bowed deeply. "My Lord Magister, the agents of the Inquisition have arrived."

Alexius sat on the throne. How ambitious of him. Beside him stood Felix, playing innocent and at the bottom of the dais stairs stood Fiona. "My friend! It's so good to see you again!" Alexius stood and approached her. The way he kept calling her 'friend' was getting under her skin. "And your associates, of course." At least he hadn't seemed to notice Vivienne's absence. Evelyn, on the other hand, had noticed the rows of Venatori that lined the hall, their numbers making her staff hand itchy. When had she become so open to murdering humans? "I'm sure we can work out an arrangement that is equitable to all parties."

"Are we mages to have no voice in deciding our fate?" Fiona asked defensively.

"Fiona, you would not have turned your followers over to my care if you did not trust me with their lives," Alexius chided.

Evelyn was beyond pleasantries. "Of course she trusts you Alexius. I'm sure lots of people put their lives in your hands. You have one of those faces." She could hardly believe the sarcasm that was dripping from her own mouth.

"Yes, the Magisterium tells me that so often," he retorted with equal gall. "Shall we begin our talks?" He turned with a grin on his face and returned to sitting in the throne, the fireplace blazing behind him. It made for an impressive form of intimidation, if Evelyn cared to be scared of the man. Which she wasn't. "The Inquisition needs mages to close the Breach and I have them. So, what shall you offer in exchange?"

Evelyn stepped boldly forward. "Nothing at all. I'm just going to take the mages and leave."

"And how do you imagine you'll accomplish such a feat?" Alexius remarked, thinking he still held all of the cards.

"She knows everything, Father," Felix announced with a sigh.

Alexius turned to his son, his head whipping around with his eyes wide. "Felix, what have you done?"

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