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Few Days Later...

"So let me get this straight... The three of you are best friends?" Joshua asked.

"For the hundredth time, Josh, yes... We are best friends." Mel said.

"When did that happen?"

"When did you dye your hair?" Rose asked.

Mel and I laughed, while Joshua blushed in embarrassment.

Now that I'm thinking about it, Josh looks good as a blonde.

"Still though, I can't believe you guys are friends. I mean, just a few days ago, Rose, you HATED Nailah and Mel. Now, you three do everything together." Joshua said.

The three of us smiled at each other.

"Let's put that conversation aside, and talk about the two of you..." Rose said, looking at Joshua and I.

"Yeah! You guys are so cute together!" Mel said.

Joshua and I looked at one another and smiled while blushing.

"Well, I better get going. Have a great Summer Vacation, guys." Joshua said.

"Bye Josh!" we said.

As Joshua walked away, there was nothing but peaceful silence. I then looked at the others and smiled.

"Want to go on a fly?" I asked them.

"Absolutley!" Rose said.

"Definitely!" Mel said.

In an instant, we transformed into our Dragon selves. We played glared at each other, and raced to the skies.

After the whole Weapondora fiasco, I told Mel that I was Dragona. She said she knew, because she was the Winter Witch that I saved not too long ago. Now, Rose, Mel, and I fight crimes together as Dragona, Draconica, and the Winter Witch. Whenever there was a problem in the city, our principal, Leila's aunt, would allow us to go. I know well in my heart that I made all of Elaria proud... especially my grandmother...

My name is Nailah Griffin, descendant to Elaria's heroine, Giselle Griffin. Sometimes, I go by the name...


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