Gone (Saeyoung X OC)

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Sihyun is a personal MC of mine, which I really do love. So I hope you enjoy her as well and can find some of yourself in her!! 💕

TRIGGER WARNING: this does have mentions of guns, bullet wounds, and bruising. If this is a trigger for you, read at your own risk.

-Mai 💕💕

"How long have you been covering this?"

Sihyun awoke, panicking as a scream tore through her throat. Damp hair clung to her face from the cold sweat on her skin, tangling herself in the sheets. Gripping her head. She let out a small whimper. The nightmares were only getting worse, Sihyun couldn't help but relive all the horrors that she went through at Mint Eye. They weren't only dreams to her, they were real, they could happen, they would happen, she felt it deep within her soul.

With staggered breaths, she quickly searched the other side of the bed, pleading that his steady heartbeat, his warmth, just his presence would calm her down. But there was nothing, no one. He wasn't there. Again.

Taking a moment to wipe away her tears, Sihyun hesitantly got up from the comfort of her, their bed, onto the freezing floor of his home. The cold draft on her bare legs giving her chills. SihYun searched through the bunker, half expecting him to be hunched over his computer, asleep. The chair was empty. She was alone.

When was the last time she had been alone? Saeyoung was always with her, especially after what the two of them had gone through. So, why would he leave now, she wondered. He left with no word, no notice, in the middle of the night. Fear began to creep inside of Sihyun as her legs buckled underneath her. "The only reason he'd be gone," She rambled, "was either if he had to leave to throw his enemies off his scent... or he was captured by Mint Eye or The Agency."

He had been distant for days now. He hadn't spoken to her, barely even ate. It was simply him working on that damn computer. He would stiffen any time she would touch him and would actively ignore her, claiming he was busy. For a second, the thought that maybe he was cheating on her, but she dismissed that almost as quickly as the thought arose. Sihyun covered her pain, believing the possibility that he was stressed and working tirelessly to protect his brother. But what if he was really trying to cover their tracks, her tracks? And it got him taken, where they could do God knows what to him. He could've been tied up, beaten and tortured, or even killed because of her.

Sihyun dashed forward, trying to reach her phone to call someone, anyone. Hell, she probably would call Saeran. With his newfound relationship with his brother along with his skills in tracking and hacking, he may be able to find him in a second. As she began to enter her room, she overheard a sudden sound at the front door followed by a curse from a voice she knew all too well.

Saeyoung entered the house, donned in nothing but black, so far as a hood to cover his fiery red hair. Carrying what seemed to be a ridiculous amount of supplies, he tried to enter his home as silently as he could muster. As Sihyun quickly turned on the lights, causing fear to strike through Saeyoung's heart, sacrificing the protection of his equipment as he dropped the straps, instead, gripping the gun stashed underneath his shirt.

"What the hell, Saeyoung? Where have you been?" Sihyun whispered, the panic in her tone causing the question to sound much angrier than she had intended.

With a deep sigh, Saeyoung quickly released his strong grip on his gun, hoping she never noticed it. "Please, Sihyun... Not now."

She didn't know what to say. All she could do was stand and stare at him, her frustration causing her to miss the quiet groan of pain escaping Saeyoung's lips as he leaned down to retrieve his bags.

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