Let Me Go (RFA)

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For the request: "I also have a situation. What about mc getting tired of her work getting criticized after every party by a few people, claiming that rika could've done better. And that mc eventually gives up and decides to leave the rfa?"

Another party finished. It was a huge success in the eyes of everyone but MC. She didn't feel like she heard anything but the many criticisms given by those who were supposed to support her.

"Rika could've done it better."

It would've been fine, she thought, as she overheard him speaking to the others. Yoosung has said many things like that without thinking. Instead, she felt betrayed by the fact that no one stood up for her.

She had withstood so much, had learned, and grew to make these parties to the best of her ability. But she never seemed to be good enough.

It was always, 'Rika was better', 'Rika had more guests than this', 'Rika wouldn't have approved this food', to statements even that hurt her pride. Insulting not only her competence but her appearance as well.

After the third year, she had enough. Through the insults of not only her friends but of her lover too.

She knew what she had to do before the party even ended that night. After leaving the others to have their afterparty, she decided to go home. MC couldn't help but stop as she entered her house. Their house. With her tears falling freely, she packed up all that was hers. Looking around at her bare home, she couldn't help a small sob escaped. What took 2 years to build took less an hour to remove.

With that, MC left. It didn't have any happy ending or surprise. There was no perfectly timed drive-by of any of her friends, or of the love of her life. MC drove off, taking almost every evidence of her existence in their lives. The only thing left was a single carefully written note, with a ring lying beside it.

"Dear my beloved" the letter wrote, "you already know you have my heart. But at this moment, I've realized I don't have yours.

"I tried to work past it. Tried to earn your love. Even trying to just earn your respect. But it's not enough for you. For any of you.

"Because I'm not Rika. And I never will. Until you realize that, it's not worth the effort. This isn't just you, it's everyone. They all have to know that I can't replace her.

"It's time to let me go. And after this is all said and done, maybe we can have another shot. But I can't always be second in your eyes. I hope you have a wonderful life. Even if I am not in it...

"With absolute love,



He didn't get home late that night. With the group choosing to go to karaoke, Zen couldn't help but stay late singing.

The lights were out as he pulled into his apartment, causing Zen to look back in concern. While yes, he knew that MC very well could've been asleep, the two of them always knew to leave the outdoor light on.

Zen entered their home quietly. There wasn't any big mess and nothing was destroyed. However, he couldn't help but notice some things were missing. A picture frame there and a vase there. Most of them didn't hold any value though. Without helping himself, Zen rushed into the bedroom, flicking the light on only to find it empty. His stuff was there, but her decorations, her extra covers, her pillow, her.


MC was gone.

Zen pulled out his phone prepared to call the police or possibly Seven. Hell, he would call Jumin if he thought it would help.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2020 ⏰

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