Winter Meets Frost (pt. i)

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{dedicated to fantasy_fairie: 'a misunderstanding with Bucky leads to a very jealous Loki...'}

Although you weren't yet officially an Avenger, you'd taken to hanging out with the "gang" during their rare weekends off from saving the world.

Despite hating any form of exercise, you'd become accustomed to training with them all after work, finding motivation in the form of a head-to-head arm wrestling match between the ripped Captain America, and the even more ripped (torn beyond belief??) God of Thunder.

Today had been different though.

Whilst deliberately fumbling about on the treadmill in an attempt to wind up Natasha, you'd noticed a mysterious brunette eyeing you up from the corner of the room.

Occasionally, you'd even caught him deliberately turning his body around to face yours, staring at you straight on.

Well, that is, you'd assumed he was staring at you.

His long almost wavy hair had a habit of flopping into his eyes, until, in an almost shampoo-advert-like fashion, he'd reached back to tie it back into a man bun.


You'd not seen him before, and yet you were sure you recognised his face. It looked stern as the man clenched his jaw, yet his eyes revealed a subtle kindness, which suggested that perhaps there was a warmth beneath his icy exterior.

It was then that he'd dropped his arms to his sides and you'd caught a glimmer of silver.

"So that's the infamous Winter Solider," you'd whispered under your breath, but just loud enough for Natasha to hear.

"He prefers Bucky now," she'd corrected, slowing down beside you as her treadmill came to a stop.

"How come I've never seen him around before? I'm here most weekends."

"And don't we know it?" She teased. "He's been staying in Wakanda for a while but has moved back here to be closer to's less romantic in reality, promise."

As she reached for a drink of water, your eyes had stayed locked onto his body as he'd burst into a wave of vigorous working out routines.

"God, he makes me feel tired just seeing that much exercise."

"Still eager for an Avengers title, I see?" She'd winked, and you'd pretend to feign a tiredness that simply made you 'too weak to continue with the Black Widow class'.

Sticking your tongue out to her, you'd jumped off the machine and skipped down the stairs with the intentions of discreetly heading straight to Loki's bedroom, carefully passing the brunette as you did so.


"And you say he was, what? Admiring your beauty from afar?"

You were lying on his bed now, stretching out across both sides with your legs dangling over the edge, whilst Loki stands before you in just a green towel after having a genuinely difficult work out session with his brother.

"Noooo! Not like that! Just, I don't know, staring."

There's a pause, and the sound of material as Loki starts to get dressed.

"Hmmm." He mutters, making you smile to yourself.

A silence passes over the two of you, and you bite your lip as you sit up straight in the middle of the bed.

"You don't really think he was do you?"


"Y'know, 'admiring my beauty'?"

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