Chapter 1

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Emma's pov
"Ethan, quit snooping in my stuff this is the third time.!"
"Sorry I just want to prove you like that josh guy."
"Why and Josh is eh"
"Because I'm your best friend and best friends snoop should know this by now"
"Your a dork."

I said going down stairs to get pop tarts To her my parents yelling at each other "Why the fuck did you do this with some skank named Jessie" yelled my mom.

"Because you make me want to kill myself so I need someone that isn't like you aka a bitch" my dad clapped back.
My dad walked out the front door I turned around to see Ethan behind me looking as frightened as my mom did after that.

Me and Ethan ran upstairs we were only twelve I didn't really know what was going on.You probably all ready know what happened to my parents relationship they got divorced, my mom started drinking because of all the stress.

Monday 8/16/18

Ethan pov

Today is the first day of school I'm going to pick Emma up to go to school. Something about Emma is well what happened to her damaged her as a person she was happy-go-lucky now she is shy and more of a loner now since her dad left. Me and Grayson have trying to keep her company. I get scared sometimes because I feel like she's going to leave me.

"We're are you, you were supposed to pick me up 10 minutes ago dumbass!?"

"Coming over one second"

I grabbed my backpack and my car keys went into my car listened to music and went over to Emma's,

Emma's pov

Ethan's dumbass was late to picking me up as usual.
I walked outside and flicked Ethan off 🖕
"Fuck you Ethan"i mumbled
"Are you ready to go"
When we drove off to school I wanted to hold his hand but that would be weird yeah that be weird. Would he thinks it's weird.
"E are you thinking about dating anyone this year?"
"Well if a nice, funny, sweet, girl pops into my life well sure"
That felt like a kick in the balls if I had any.
"What about you?"
"Ahh I don't know I feel there is only one person ment for everyone I don't think that person would be my high school sweet heart to be honest."
"That's kinda deep."
"I'm a complex person"
I gave him a sweet smile.
"You have a good smile."

I looked down at me lap and thought of me and Ethan dating which is only a dream what life time would Ethan fucking Dolan date me.

Ethan's pov

Emma's my best friend she's sweet she's nice I don't know why but there's something about her that I can't really explain it she's just awesome but there's is something that attracts me to her in a way I can't explain.

"Eyes on the road don't fall asleep on me" she said laughing
"Right"I said nodding my head along to the song.
This weird thing happened were she put her hand on my hand not holding it, it was just there then she later held my hand.

I enjoyed it, her hand was soft to the touch.
"Wait!!can we get Phil's coffee pweas"
"Maybe if we're late then than no."
At school
"Can you walk me in pwease."
"Are we in the same classes?"
"Health class i think."
"That's at the end of the day Emma."
"So probably not."
"Okay bye then loser."
She said laughing and running to her first class. She's so cute
Wait. No she's Emma not a future girlfriend or something right I don't know now.

Emma's pov

I can't fucking believe I held Ethan's hand and he didn't like yell at me or something or flinch.

So my first class is home room and then algebra I suck at algebra, and I well strongly dislike it without a doubt.

I got a text from Ethan that was really random

"Did you finish season 1 and 2 of stranger things??"
"Yeah way.."
"Just asking"

I have work after school at a ice cream shop thingy dingy so I would hang out Ethan but I'm also to much of a wuss go ask him out on a date of something.

I might ask him out next week or maybe tomorrow or the next day and maybe after that but not today. So right now is my last period social studies and after that I get to go home and work then relax and try not to think about Ethan.

Yes I know it sounds noting because my life is boring.

Ethan's pov
So there is this girl I like her name is Ellie something and I think she hangs out with Emma she used to date Grayson last year I think. Anyway I might ask her out on a date if it's okay with Emma. When she held my hand I'm pretty she it was like a friend thing not like a like like thing I guess but it's what ever.

"Can you watch the goonies with me later??"
"Sorry have to work E"
"Studying with Hannah"
"Hannah M?"
"I gtg E srry".

Great Emma can't hang out so let's see if Ellie can come and watch the goonies with me

"Hey, this is Ethan Dolan I was wondering if you wanna get a cup of coffee with me or something "


"Tomorrow before school."

Yayy someone is going out with me tomorrow finally someone likes me yayyyyy.

Emma's pov

I got a text from Ellie that was well um disappointing

"Emma I have to tell you something.."
"Ethan asked me out..."
"Oh, are you going to go out with him??"
"I said yes."
"Emma I'm sorry!?"
"Do you like him to something!?"
"Well.. He's cute nice funny"
"Emma I'm really sorry but I have to go.."

Great I totally want to die. I want to jump out of my bedroom window. Ellie is such a bitch. Why the fuck did she except she has known I've liked Ethan since the 7th grade some bullshit of a friend. I guess Ethan doesn't like me either now so I might as well die actually there is so many pop tarts  I've haven't eaten yet so I guess not...

So I love this May~

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