Break out. Chapter 4.

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I been nearly two months since Pidge joined now and she finally was getting use to the castle. She was talking and laughing with everyone more often now and sometimes would be the one to start the joke or chat. Coran evened liked her and would often ask for her help to fit certain parts of the castle or anything that needed tec work. She finally felt she had a home, a place where they needed her and wanted her. She was happy with them all.

Allura was kinder to pidge but still didnt fully trust her and didnt get too close to her unless others were in the room. Pidge just shrug it off thinking allura might still feel strange about the whole her planet was trying to kill their own people to stay hidden part. 

Pidge idea came true when everyone had a certain job title and that helped keep the two altean out of the kitchen. What all four humans were grateful for and hunk even made her a whole plate of peanut butter cookies, what she said they didnt need to do but still ate them. As you can tell hunk was given the cook title, making him the one who cooks all the main meals, we were allowed to go in and make small snacks during the day but he mostly made side snacks anyway. 

Shiro acted like a dad to everyone and pidge learnt that the rest nicknames him space dad. He often helped to teach Pidge things about earth would just chat with her randomly. She liked it since he was always kind and seemed to care about her. Shiro arm even helped her hack into the galra ships so they mostly paired up during battle or when they had to sneak in a ship. Shiro was given the leader title. If we had problems we could go to him or if something need to be taken care of then call for him. 

Keith was super emo but also very nice. He seemed to keep to himself but he dose really care about everyone. He would often keep an eye on others when fighting to make sure they dont get overran or shot from behind. Me and him seem cool, like we might not talk as much as the rest but we on an understand level. We can fight well with each other without really training and would be pair up if we were fighting a ship when returning to our lions or something. Keith was given the title loner trainer. A little funny and i bet you can lance gave him the title. 

Coran was starting to get use to me and would now talk to me like he was talking with the rest. We helped each other with improving the tec on the ship or fixing anything that breaks or damage during a battle. The only problem is that he can talk for days and often rants about his old days. Trust me when you stuck with him for four hours trying to fix something it makes you want to jump out of space. But he still a nice guy and was given the title ship fixer. 

Allura still stayed away and would only really talk to me if the others were around or during a battle. But i guess she just worried about her friends and i can understand why she want to protect such amazing people. I dont mind waiting until she trust me herself but it can be a little awkward when you the only two in a room and she talk to her mice or do something while you just stand or sit in silence wondering you should try talking or not. She was given the title as commander of the ship since she the only one who can really fly it. 

Lance, is awesome. He my first friend and is so much fun to hang out with. He jokes, mess around but he also smarter then we think. He can change a mood whenever he walks in or starts speaking, it truly amazing how he can cheer people up or give us all hope. His smile and laugh is catchy since I always end up laughing or smiling when he around. He might not understand my nerd stuff but he still sits and chats with me when I'm working. He even lets me rant about my nerdy stuff and sits their smiling why not having a clue what i mean. He always seem to understand me even if i dont talk and that really help. He also a great shooter and always covers me when I'm going in alone to hack somewhere while the others are out fighting. He dose flirty a lot and i mean a lot, its like half of his words in a day would be flirts. That his own problem but sometimes his flirting is fun to watch and can distract us when we not sure of a planet. He truly is someone amazing. Oh he was given the title lover boy, its something keith made up to make fun of him and lance liked it. 

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