The Monsters are Inside Of You

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The Monsters Are Inside Of You

You always asked your mom to check for monsters when you were young

You always were afraid of the dark

You always never wanted to be alone

But what about now

Do you still check for monsters, afraid of the dark, don’t want to be alone?

You must be thinking of course not why would I check for imaginary monsters

Well where were you looking

In my closet, under my bed, behind my door

That’s the reason you never saw them

You looked in the wrong places

Then where should I have looked

Inside of you, the real monsters are inside of you

Ummm that’s deep why do you say that

Don’t you know, I say it because it’s true

Everyone is fighting a battle within their selves against a demon even if they don’t realize

The ones who don’t realize don’t care for the battle and going on with life

The ones who do realize are scared and scarred

~~I cannot take credit for this as I found it online. Credits go to the original author~~

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