Killing Spree

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It was the first day of the Chef Club. Three shoppies had joined, Jessicake, Donatina, and Bubbleisha. Their Shopkin pals had joined too.

Everyone was having a great time. Except for one person. Bubbleisha. She hadn't gotten any compliments, and was in a frenzy, trying to get some. Now she only has one more chance to prove herself worthy...


"We need an edge," Bubbleisha tells her teammates, Lippy Lips and Kooky Cookie. 

"No way!" Lippy says, misusing the word "edge". "I get paper cuts too easily!"

"No!" Bubbleisha says, rolling her eyes. "An edge to do better than the others."

"Like... CHEATING?!" Lippy and Kooky gasp.

"Nononononononono!" Bubbleisha quickly reassures them. "Eh, sorta?" She shakes the thought away. "But not!" The pink-haired girl has a devilish grin on her face. "Just something to make sure we do a better job than the others." Bubbleisha now seems to be in some kind of daze.

"But we want everyone to get into Chef Club, right?" Kooky asks, snapping Bubbleisha out of her daze. "Y-Yes!" she stutters out. "I just want us to get in ahead of everyone, so people will notice and say nice things about me!" Bubbleisha grins proudly, but notices her friends' faces. "Er, us?" She laughs nervously.


Bubbleisha had just disguised herself and swapped out the others' recipe cards. "There. Now we have the right recipe, and they don't!" She cackles. "It's winner take all!" Bubbleisha runs off. Kooky, in disguise, jumps from the counter and has a plan.

Later, Peppa-Mint walks over to Bubbleisha. "I see you're making extra for everyone?" she says, noticing Bubbleisha's huge pot of soup. "Nope, it's what's the recipe says," Bubbleisha says, holding out the recipe card with a smile. 

Peppa-Mint takes the recipe card and reads through it. Her smile fades as she notices something wrong. "This isn't right... Oh, no no no! The amounts are all wrong! Oh dear!" 

Bubbleisha looks horrified. "The... amounts... are all... wrong?" she says in disbelief. "But... how?!" She was sure that she swapped them out!

Bubbleisha hears whistling, and turns to see Kooky, trying to look innocent. But it was all coming together. Kooky had ruined her chances to get a compliment. She would never get one again all thanks to the cookie Shopkin.

Bubbleisha seethes. Her face turns bright red. She crushes the box of tomatoes that she had in her hands. That was it. That was the last straw. 

Bubbleisha stops, however. She smiles and starts laughing. Psychotically. She puts her tomato juice covered hands on her cheeks and laughs some more. 

"Oh, isn't this just GREAT?!" she yells, and all of her friends turn to her. "I've tried SO HARD to get your attention. But NO! NOTHING! Now I've got you RIGHT WHERE I WANT YOU!" 

The pink-haired Shoppie pulls out a knife. She grabs Peppa-Mint's neck and jabs the knife in it. Everyone is horrified. Peppa-Mint, covered in blood, drops to the ground, her body limp. 

Everyone scrambles to run, but Bubbleisha manages to grab Apple Blossom, Miss Sprinkles, Nina Noodles, and Donatina, and murders the living hell out of them. 

More Shoppies and Shopkins began to die. Cheeky Chocolate? Dead. Buncho Bananas? Dead. Even Jessicake? Almost made it, but dead. 

The last Shopkin living was Kooky Cookie. Bubbleisha turns to Kooky, like the killer of a horror film. "Thank you, Kooky!" she shrieks. "Thank you for RUINING MY LIFE, YOU SICK SON OF A BITCH!!!!"

Bubbleisha grabs Kooky and slashes her with the knife. Over and over and over again. Bubbleisha drops the dead cookie and jumps onto the counter. She was covered in blood.

"C'mon! Let's hear those compliments!" she yells. She starts mocking. "Great mess, Bubbleisha! Nice destruction of the kitchen, Bubbleisha! Wonderful way you murdered the shit out of all of your friends, Bubbleisha!" 

Bubbleisha pauses. She drops to the ground slowly. "I... killed my friends..." She laughs for a second, but those laughs turn into sobs. Bubbleisha cries and cries. Finally, out of breath, Bubbleisha grabs the knife and slashes her neck. Now, with a giant gash in her neck, she smiles. "At least I'll get compliments... in Hell..." Bubbleisha's eyes roll into the back of her head, and she collapses onto the counter. Now, she was no more...


The incident had been what all of Shopville was talking about. Everyone was distraught over the event. The Chef Club was wrapped with yellow police tape, and was abandoned. 

A young Shoppie had heard about the incident. "Hey, Sarah?" she says. "Yes?" a Shopkin replies. 

"Who died in this incident?" the Shoppie asks.

"Let's see... Peppa-Mint, Apple Blossom, Miss Sprinkles, Jess-" Suddenly, there was silence. "Oh... Oh..."

"What is it?" the Shoppie asks, concerned.

"...Do... Do you remember that Shoppie that you threw a birthday party for? ...She... died..."

"Jessiecake...?" The Shoppie freezes. "No... it can't be..." She drops to the ground in horror. "IT CAN'T BE TRUE!!!!" 

The Shopkin comforts her. "I'm very sorry... Rainbow Kate..."


Thanks for reading my first fanfiction (kind of). It was really dark, but I wondered what would happened if Chef Club took this route. So, hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2020 ⏰

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