Saving the kids

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I walked threw the forest trying to clear my thoughts until I heard something in the bushes and I quickly looked to see a small rabbit hopping quickly. I heard a lot of birds and when I looked they were flying away. I looked around and animals were running or hoping away scared and I just looked to see fire burning everything.

I started to run to then my leg be caught by a bare trap and I opened it to see my leg bleeding. I tried to run but it hurt a lot and my wound wouldn't heal. I held a deep breath and I jumped trying to keep my distance. But I ended on the floor whining like a pup. I breathed in and out and I tried to stand again but my wound bled even worse. But I stood even with a lot of pain and I tried running but was held and thrown into shoulder.

I tried kicking and punching but the person jumped running towards were I live and I smiled. 'Home!!!!' When we entered the clan was panicking and mom was looking when her eyes laid on me. She ran to me and the person laid me down carefully.

"Ikuto you broke your promise...." Dad sounded so mad

When I looked dad walked towards us and when I looked at the boy he was the same one who rescued me from the thunder storm. I held mom tightly Max appeared and he stood in front of me and I just looked threw the side. When Dad got to the boy he didn't show fear and looked super mad with this Ikuto.

"Dad is he my brother?" I asked

Dad froze and didn't answer the boy just looked at me with a warm smile but Dad got madder and jumped on him. I panicked... I pushed Max away from me and I ran to them to then my eyes land on a neko Wolf but no canine fangs just like vampire fangs, his eyes were a mix of blue and black. I froze with fright and they both stopped fighting and looked at me as I quivered with fright. Ikuto looked worrried he tried to extend his hand to me but I just whinced and ran away.

'What am I????' I kept on running and I cried all the way, until I reached the human land and I accidently crashed with a teen boy. I tried whipping my tears away but it got me crying some more and I started to hiccup.

"You ok girl?" the teen boy asked

I looked at the boy he looks almost perfect, his eyes a silver blue, his skin glossy but almost pale, he looks a bit tollar than me by an 2 inch and his hair was like a silver black. I just looked at him as I kept on crying and he got in one knee. He chequeed me and he raised my arm and when I looked I had a deep wound. I was bleeding a lot and the boy helped me up.

He started to walk so I just followed him to a near home and it looks really abandoned. He entered first and he led me in. He looked around and then closed the door I just stared at him as I sniffled a few times and then I wiped the tears away but it only made it worst. I took my hands away and he held my hand tangling his fingers into mine and he pulled me up the stairs. I breathed and I looked around to see everything looked really old but everything was cleaned.

'Pore boy he must live here.... all alone...' I felt sad for him but I kept walking behind him. When we were at the top he let my hand go and he opened a door and he signaled me to go in. When I walked to the room it was a mini nuersery for wounded people and there were little kids they look so young. 'So many kids were are they're parents"

I looked at him with a questioning look but he pointed to a bed near the window so I walked towards it to notice and amazing view of the city , the mountains and a large lake that reflected the sun's beauty. One small tear escaped but was quickly cleaned by the boy and my heart skipped a beat making me breath a bit heavy. He sat me on the bed and chequeed my wounds I looked aroud to see the pore kids lookig at me. 'Maybe this boy saved them....and his taking care of them all...'

"That's so nice!" I thought outlaud

"Whats nice?"he asked his voice sounded so dreamy

I quickly looked at him and I answered "It's nothing I was just thinking..."

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