Chapter One

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^ Picture of Emi ^

Bzzzz, Bzzzzz
The pod vibrated under the pillow.
Bzzzz, Bzzzzz
"Ugh, Pod Drone, off."
With that the pillow was dropped inside the bed, the blanket followed suit leaving the bed bare. The alarm stopped, and the room's night filter turned off leaving the room to be engulfed in sunlight.
"Ahhhhh" She yelled again, as she does every morning. The seventeen year old, walks to the shower room.
"Pod Drone, Shower On." She says naked surrounded by a closed door and three walls with fountains coming out of them to spray her perfectly. Two little stick like arm things grab the scrub brush and rag to wash her skin. After they are done, they go back into the wall while three robotic hands come out with metal fingertips to wash her hair with ease.

After she steps out of the shower her flushed bare skin is dripping with the droplets of water. She gently reaches for her towel and pats the droplets off her body, then she throws her soaked hair forward like a wet dog, and wraps it in the towel. Since her door is locked to her bedroom she walks in it still bare skinned from her bathroom and begins to get clothed. Her final decision is a tight white tank top, an black leather jacket and some ripped up jeans. She finishes it off with some black and white high tops she already had sitting by the door and walks back into the bathroom.

In the bathroom, she takes her hair out of the towel and begins to fix it. She begins with brushing and then she dries it, feeling it's soft texture and lively appeal she decides to leave it down for the day. After this process is complete she begins to use makeup, for this she uses eye shadow of a dark brown to color her eye corners. After that she adds a light tan to blend the shades, ending with a golden sparkle for the inner edges. She then takes eye liner and gets the perfect point on both sides, she thinks she had done this process a million and one times before. She finally is done after putting on some foundation, powder, and mascara. She throws some red lipstick in her bag, and walks out of her bedroom to leave.

As she goes down the first set of stairs of the four story house, she thinks about her upcoming finals at school. The finals with determine what colleges she can get into, including the one of her dreams, CCW. Clyde Court West was one of the best colleges in the state, and she couldn't help but be worried for her chance in, even with her perfect record.

As she finally gets to the ground floor, she sees her mother making her toast. "Hi sweetie, did you sleep well?" She asks handing her daughter a plate with two pieces of toast covered in strawberry jelly and a napkin on the side. "Yeah, I slept fine, how about you?" She answers taking the toast. "I slept good too." Her mothers says crossing her arms leaning against the counter. "Sweet, well I better run, I'll see you tonight mom." She moves quickly kissing her mother on the cheek before zipping out the door.

Her mother is left looking at the closed door as a sigh leaves her chest, "you can't hide forever Ash."

On her way to school Ashley begins to see her best friend Emi in the distance. She quickly pulls her bandana out her back and wraps it around her brightly colored stone on her wrist.

As Emi gets closer she smiles, "Hi Ash! How are you this morning?"

"I'm good, how about you Em?"

"I'm good, last night my dad went to work and he hasn't come home yet so I'm going to assume he is having to work over time again. Mom said she wishes she would of been able to be a January so she wouldn't of had to deal with having a May husband AND daughter." She says not skipping a beat or even losing her positive hopeful tone.

"Isn't she a May? Doesn't she think she is annoying too?" Ashley answers looking at her friends face carefully.

"Yeah, she just is always complaining about the rest of us. Oh well, can't change your color you know?" She says smiling with a shrug back at Ashley.

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