Chapter 3 (Wake Up Call)

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She saw a body next to her, a woman's body. Victoria scooted away with fear when she noticed something terrifying. She was covered in splats of red liquid and so was the woman. It took her a while for her eyes to adjust to realize what the red liquid was. It was blood. She gasped and her eyes grew wide. What happened?!?! The body didn't move at all and Victoria didn't know who she was until she focused carefully on her features. The women had brown hair, a slenderly curved body, and what she wore made Victoria's heart sink deeper then ever before. The woman was wearing a knee length black lace dress and black flats which she had recognized from early today. She turned the woman over to have a closer look and to make sure her mind was only playing tricks. Sadly it wasn't her mind, for what she saw wasn't a trick, it was reality. The woman was non other then her beloved mother.

Victoria's gasped and quickly covered her mouth. Her eyes began to water and she could no longer hold herself back from crying. "Mom?? Mom!!!!" She began shaking her mother slightly hoping she'd at least move just a little, but nothing. She called her over and over again, but no answer. Victoria did all she could to wake her mother up, but everything she did, didn't work. She screamed in agony until her brother entered the house and saw her sister and his deceased mother both on the floor.

James eyes grew wide as he tried to hold back his tears. He hid the gun he got from his room from Victoria, and looked at her with worry. "Tori what happened?! I only left for 30 minutes!"

Victoria looks at him with fear and heartbreak in her eyes. "He killed her."

James kneels down to his sister. "Who?"

Victoria begins to cry again. "The man who followed us!! He killed her!!"

James held his sister close as she began to cry even harder on his shoulder. He wipes her tears away and holds her by the shoulders. James then takes a deep breath and tries to stay calm. "Tori, go change you clothes and burn them. I'll call 911."

Victoria looked at her brother with confusion and shock. "But why my cl..."

"Just do it!" James says sternly and angrily at his sister which made her eyes water again. He sighed and stood up. "I'm sorry Tori, but your just gonna have to trust me." He breathes out in relief when he sees his mother breathe short breathes that Victoria had not noticed. "And don't worry, mom's gonna be okay."

Victoria nodded and ran up stairs. She changed into her crescent moon pajamas and put her other clothes in a bucket and burned them. Why would he tell me to burn my clothes? Is mom going to be okay? I don't want to lose her! She wipes her tears away at the thought of her mother being dead. When her clothes finally turned to ashes, she filled it with water and threw it out the window. She quickly runs downstairs to her brother who had just hung up the phone after talking to the police.

"They'll be here in 5 minutes. Grab your coat and come outside." James had no emotion on his face when he had told her what to do. It was as if his soul had left his body. He grabbed his journal and walked out the door. James has had that journal since he was 6 and wrote in it everyday. Victoria never knew about the journal until she caught him one night writing in it. Ever since that day, she's would wonder about the things he would write, but she preferred to let him have his privacy. Victoria put on her coat and walked out the door behind her brother.

Two minutes later, the police and ambulance had arrived. The paramedics quickly got out of the car and rushed to where their mother was. James put his arm around his sister to comfort her, but she still trembled in fear. She watched in horror as the paramedics handled their mother. Her mind then focused on something else. Not only her mother, but that man aswell. Why was he after them? What did he want with mom? All she could think of now was her mother, that man, and revenge. Her once innocent and childish mind, had disappeared.

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