Chapter One

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  "Parker! No!" I scream, giggling as my best friend catches me from behind and starts to tickle me. 

  "This is revenge!" he yells as we fall onto the grass.

  "Stop- Parker- Please- Can't breath-" I choke out between laughs. I am too ticklish for my own good.

  He finally stops, but I don't. I keep laughing. It takes me a while to calm down. When I do, I turn over on my side to see Parker. He's pointing up to the sky.

  "Look, Ivy. That's where the care bears live," he is pointing at a massive, magic-looking cloud.

  "You're such a dork," I say, rolling my eyes.

  "You love me anyway."

  "Shut up"

 "Aha! People only say shut up if what the other person said is true," he grins, impressed with himself.

  "Shut up!" I say, rolling over and jumping up, bolting towards the woods.

  "Ivy, wait up!" he yells after me. 

I smirk to myself. Nope, he can catch up.  

  I keep running until I reach the forest. I started running way before Parker did, and even with those long tree legs he won't catch up for a couple of minutes, so I'm free to explore. 

  I walk through the woods, dodging roots and trunks and pushing my way through branches. I find a thicket of bushes that would be perfect to hide in, so I do my best to avoid scratching myself as I climb in.

  Suddenly, I feel a pair of hands grab my waist. I spin around, ready to defend myself. I don't see who or what it is, I just fling my arm out at them. The same pair of hands block my attack, catching onto my hands. 

  "Ivy! Stop, it's me!"

I'd know that voice anywhere.

  "Parker," I breathe, relieved. Then I remember that he just scared the crap out of me.

  "You absolute freaking walnut!" I scream, punching him on the shoulder.     

  "You scared the living hell out of me!"

  "Ow... Gods, Ive, you have a strong right," he says, rubbing his shoulder.

 I punch him again, on the arm, this time with my left hand.

  "Ngh- strong left too. Sorry-" he says, stepping back out of punching zone.

 "Whatever," I say, walking away. I'm tired, and I need to be home for dinner. 

~ time skip to when Ivy gets home bc I'm lazy ~

  I arrive home and open the door. 
"Mom? Emily? I'm home" I call out as I walk in.
My younger sister, Emily, comes bolting down the stairs.

  "Ivy!" she says. "Where were you?"

  "With Parker," I respond. "Anyway, what have you and Mom been up to?" I quickly change the subject.

  Emily's face brightens.

  "Oh, well Mom's letting me cook dinner. It's going really well so far."

She seems so proud of herself. I make a mental note to mention how much I enjoy the meal as much as I can, even if it turns out like last time.

  "That's great, Em. Can't wait to see what it is."

She smiles and goes back to the kitchen. From which I think I can smell smoke, but Emily doesn't seem concerned. Should I be worried?


Heyyyyyyy, it's me, the weirdo. This is a really random weird chapter, so sorry it's so short, but it's also my first actual book on Wattpad. I'm tryin', mkayy?

  <3 gudbai chirrens and oldies

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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