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I saw The lights flashing towards us, faster FASTER!

"DAD!", I shouted. But he couldn't do anything, it already was to late. The car hit ours, the airbags inflated and pain struck me like lightning.

A helicopter came, I saw all of it as if I was flying above I saw my father conscious, alive and then I looked down, my body, lifeless. Dead.

I tried sinking back into my body realising all I was now, a ghost of my life. I couldn't go back into my body, the harder I tried the further away I got.

I was dead came the realisation to me finally and I looked at my ghostlike body, slowly fading away. I couldn't do anything to stop it from happening, so I just let go, go of my life, my thought, myself.

Then I woke up, lying in a cave, where was I? How could I still be here if I had just died?

A majestic golden dragon entered the cave, I just started to scream, this must all be a bad dream.

"Shush, litte Dragon, i won't harm you, you're safe here. I'm Amethyst, queen of the dragons. You are on of us now. Every person who died to early, becomes a dragon in the afterlife. This means they have a second chance to live their life. Around humans for them you appear as humans too, but they can only see you if you wish them to see you and they are people you now.", the Dragon answered all of Valkyries questions. Her soft voice calming her down.

Somehow she could understand the dragon and it suddenly all made sense to her. Maybe she could find her dad and say a lot good bye to him.

"You can, but first have something to eat, you must be quite hungry by now. And one thing if a dragon meets a dragon, they will see each other in their true forms.", somehow Amethyst had read her mind and answered the question.

Valkyrie followed Amethyst to where she could eat, she had been Wright, she was really hungry.

Second life: DragonWhere stories live. Discover now