Chapter 1

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After I had eaten a huge meal Amethyst showed me around the cave, she introduced me to some of the dragons mostly children like me.

Then we went into a classroom, only another dragon stood there, at a Desk.

The dragon introduced himself as Mister Duncan and he told me that he was the teacher here. I would also have lessons with him. As long as I hadn't gotten enough lessons I wouldn't be allowed to leave the cave. As he said that I frowned, I wanted to go out and find my dad as soon as possible, but these lessons would prevent it.

„If you work well with me and pay attention in class, the sooner you will be able to leave the cave.", Mister Duncan explained.

My motivation rose up, I would be a good student, I was I could see my father sooner.

„Lessons will start tomorrow and you will take them everyday until you are ready and have passed the exams after.", Mister Duncan continued.

„May i start today?", i asked hoping for a day less in this cave, but both Mister Duncan and Amethyst shook their heads. I sighed quietly I really wanted to see my dad. I already missed him and my mum I hadn't seen her since the day before the accident.

In the lessons I learned really interesting things, wich I weren't possible, I had thought that I would learn stuff I would normally do in school but instead I learned how to read minds and block others out so they couldn't read mine. I learnt how to disguise and fly and how to use the magic given to dragons.


In the next chapter I will Write about the lessons Valkyrie had(;

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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