I'll Help

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I fix people. That might seem strange but I do. I meet these broken people and I fix them. Maybe it's not me, maybe I just give myself too much credit. But I swear I help them. My most recent...project, I suppose you could say. He well, he was heart broken, as so many of us are. He swore love was not for him, I myself was infatuated by him. I loved the way he was...broken. The hopelessness there it was...it was like a moth drawn to a flame. The beauty of the pain.  It all started out strictly as friends, that's it. I just liked his personality, the way we were together, it was fun. We formed to each other. Our paths seemed like he was me and I, him, Like two missing puzzle pieces finally finding each other. we were no doubt kindred spirits. He was in his 1st year of college and I was just graduated from High school. We talked for several months.  I was very precautious of our relationship, I never called him, I never saved any photos of him. I didn't let it go to my head. Him on the other hand saved all of my photos, always wanted to call me, I never had that luxury, I was bound and determined to not fall for him. I was trying my hardest not to get attached to him, but one by one my walls began to fall.
I began to fall. We got close, as close as you can get from 365.9 mils. One late Saturday night he begged me to just "pretend to date" him while we were on the phone. I knowing him said no, he was persistent about not dating and I wasn't going to force it on him in the slightest. He kept begging me so I did; it didn't feel right. I suppose that was the first warning sign; a sign I never even noticed was there. Things started falling apart all at once. I left, thinking that was the best thing I could do. So that he could heal. I still...cared about him very deeply. I would have given anything to be the one he needed, but I wasn't. You see I myself, even now am still so broken and two broken pieces of a puzzle piece don't make a puzzle. He...he is whole; Whole with someone else. And yet I sat there destroyed but at the same time relieved because I realized that, yes he used me, but none of that mattered. He is happy. And in return I too am happy. He got to where he needed to be to over come what he thought he wasn't. Or maybe he just saw he could do better, which is what most people seem to do. Me, on the other hand, well I like to think of it all as pure love. Because no matter what happens I will always Seek the best, and help even those who have hurt me the most...because in the end there is nothing so beautiful.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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