Loving the Unloved

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A/N. I would like show my gratitude to the most helping person justalex99 .Thank You soooo much for taking the time to help edit my story! i learned a lot from you! YOU ARE AN ANGEL!

p.s. To my readers. I have not done some plot changing editing. There were just some mistakes that needed to be taken care of. Just pointing out this fact cause i don't want you guys to go through the whole story looking for added scenes or something because i have NOT done that. Yet. But you are most welcome to enjoy it again.😃


Placing my guitar beside the couch I plopped down with a heavy sigh. I failed to come up with a decent tune. Again.

Maybe I should just give up music. I remember strumming my guitar as I came up with random but pleasant melodies since I was 15. But ever since I joined classes it's like I lost my...my muse.

My thought were interrupted by a shattering noise of something. It sounded close by. Making my way to the front door I picked up a shoe and peeked out as silently as I could, checking for any signs of burglars but I was met with an empty hallway.

On my right, I noticed pale light peeking out from underneath the door. Knocking, I waited for it to open as I heard shuffling on the other side. Then, silence. Finally, the door opened and a girl stood there looking at me with wide eyes.

Her gaze drifted down towards my hand and I mentally face palmed realizing I probably looked like a burglar myself with a shoe clutched in my hand.

"Oh, uh-I thought- I mean heard some noise and umm..." Composing myself with a deep breath, I started again, "I heard a noise and thought that maybe it was someone breaking in, even though that's very unlikely. Ha! Cause you know, who the hell would rob college kids living in a shitty apartment," Now I was rambling. Clearing my throat, I asked, "Anyways, is everything alright? I think I heard glass shattering."

"No, no I didn't hear a thing. I think you're mistaken". Her chin was tucked under her sweater as she answered me in a soft voice of hers. The light of the room cast a breathtaking glow around her; outlining her petite figure, especially the small strands of hair that stood out randomly.

"Thanks for asking, anyways."

"Oh, really? Are you sure?" I asked again, not satisfied with her answer.

"Yeah. It must have been the wind."

I glanced over to the windows at the end of the hallway that showed the dark of the night. Yeah I guess.

That night, I came up with a tune as well.


The next day, I found myself sitting across from her at the café because my usual spot was occupied and only her booth seemed empty enough where I could enjoy my coffee peacefully.

"What's your name?" I asked. Realizing I never told her my name, I added, "I am Aiden." I thought she didn't hear me but shortly after, she faintly spoke.

"I am Scarlet." She didn't even spare me a glance, her eyes too engaged in sketching.

"You got some skills. You take classes?" Her hand stopped short at my compliment while the other straightened no longer trying-and failing-to hide her sketch. She resumed with a simple no.

My eyebrows furrowed as I observed the sharp black strokes, "What does it mean anyway?" I thought she was going to ignore my question as she observed the sketch herself.

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