Drunk Buddies

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"I can't believe you're actually going to a party." Cotton exclaims, throwing a shirt my way.

With my terrible reflexes I reach out to grab it after it hits my face and falls to the ground. Cotton stands from her mission to find me an outfit from my bland closet. She puts her hands on her hips and ponders.

"Do you have anything slutty? Or remotely slutty?" She questions.

My eyes widen. Do I look like the kind of girl who owns anything slutty? The closest thing I have to slutty is a dress my mom bought that barely covers me. The rest of my closet it jeans and sweaters. I don't know what she was thinking when she bought that. I instantly threw it to the back of my closet the first time I tried it on.

Silently, I plead Cotton won't find it. Lucy looks up from a magazine on my bed. The cover page is some model in New York. I bet she's drooling inside, because that boy is hot.

"She has a little black dress." Lucy chimes in.

I give Lucy a frantic look. Why did she have to mention it? I groan and burry my face in my hands. Great, now Cotton is going to make me wear it.

Cotton lights up and claps cheerfully. "Where is it? I demand you to put it on right now."

She may be my favorite cousin and one of the few people I'd do anything for but, wearing that dress crosses the line.

"But Cotton..." I whine like a child not getting candy.

"No, you have to wear it. Zach will eat you up when he sees you." She sighs dreamily. What's so dreamy about Zach eating me up? What is that even supposed to mean?

Cotton dives back into my small closet and shuffles around for the dress. While she does, I smack Lucy with a pillow. Serves he right for telling Cotton about the dress. I would've been fine with a t-shirt or something. But no.

"Oww! What the hell?" Lucy glares at me. I glare right back.

"Why would you tell her about the dress?" I fall back against my bed, staring at the ceiling. It's plain white just like the rest of my room. Boring and plain. No poster or pictures. Just a wooden desk with a rolling chair and a small bed. I share a bathroom with my brother, Collin, who isn't home right now. He's probably playing at a soccer game.

Let me just say sharing a bathroom with a boy is not fun. He always throws his clothes everywhere. Once, I opened the shower curtain and his boxers were hanging on the shower head. I nearly gagged.

"Found it!" Cotton emerges from my closet with the dreaded dress and throws it at me.

This time I catch it. Grimacing, I lift the dress and examine it. It looks smaller than the last time I saw it. The neckline is a little too low for my liking. It's strapless with a bunch of back lace patterns on the top. The bottom is skin tight.

"Go try it on." Cotton demands. She rips the dress from my hands and tugs me towards the bathroom.


I walk out of the bathroom, tugging the dress lower so it could maybe go past my knees. This only makes the top part fall so I have to tug that up. It's a battle I have given up on.

Cotton turns from her spot next to Lucy and her grey eyes light up.

"Penny you look like a hooker! It's great!" She pushes her blue hair away from her face.

Wondering why the blue hair? Well, Cotton is the kind of girl who is crazy in every single way. She's a vegetarian because she loves animals too much. She makes superheros references and watches Netflix everyday, even in class. She can have a conversation with herself for hours. I'm guilty too, but I can't do it as long as she can. Blue hair isn't even a dent in her crazy level.

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