Chapter 13

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We played in the water for at least 30 minutes ..


We got out of the water and dry ourselves for a while before we head to the hotel .

" can we eat for a while ?" i ask them because i felt my stomach growl .

"yeah sure ! im also hungry " nash said while holding his stomach ..

"where should we eat then ?" jack j.

"there is a near resto around the corner though " cameron said while putting his shirt on .

"ok then lets keep going " jack g.

We head to the hotel first to change our clothes .

When we got inside the hotel. Me, nash, cameron, hayes, shawn and carter took the first elevator while the others took the other one ..

Me, shawn and hayes went straight to our room after we get in to our floor ..

Shawn opened the locked door for us to go inside ..

When we got inside . İ went to my bed and grab some hygiene kit and some clothes and went to the bathroom to take a shower ..

After taking a shower . Shawn had his next in line . Then hayes ..

İ waited for them to finish . Then they're done . We head down at the lobby and guess what . We've came early and İ just realize how slow they were . İ mean İ should be slow because im a girl .

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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