Chapter 51. Message for him

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"Kristine, are you okay?"

I lift my head up to see the DJ staring at me. I flinch as a tear escapes the brim of my eye. I wipe it away as fast as I could and smile back at him. "Yes.. I'm fine" I tell him and the crew from the room notifies us that we will be starting in 5 minutes. I sit up straight with the manuscript in my hands as the production director raises his hand signaling us that we're about to start soon. He then smoothly sways his hand in 3... 2... 1...

"Welcome Wishers! This is Wish 107.5 Bus! Live in Quezon City and as you have waited for so long.. we have a special guest today. We are so honored to have here live in our booth to be my co-DJ for today. I know her fans have been endlessly requesting for her appearance in our radio and now.. let me introduce, Kristine Mendoza!" a sound effect of cheers becomes audible through the headphones. I smile at the DJ

"Hello Wishers! I'm sorry it took me this long to serve my Filipino fans. Nevertheless, I am Kristine Mendoza, live and in stereo at Wish 107.5" I introduced. "How are you, Kristine? I heard you have just released a new single!" the DJ shifts the topic and I talk about how my schedule's been so booked but I thank my fans for such opportunities they have given me and that I wouldn't be here without them.. those typical celebrity line when it comes to thanking their fans... 

"I'm here to promote my new single called 'Never Really Over' and also here to have fun and just communicate with all of you guys today!" I end my speech. The DJ then ends the segment by playing a song before moving on to the next segment of the program.

"Kristine, is your first song ready?" the DJ asks me then I nod. I drink from my bottle of water and prepare myself. "Alright... First, we have Kristine Mendoza with 'Is That Alright' from A Star Is Born.." the DJ smoothly shifts his introduction as the instruments gradually fade in.


I close my eyes as I sing the last chorus softly and full of soul...

I want you
To look right in my eyes

Flashes of Brad's eyes appear in my head.. How I can read his expressions just by staring deeply at his eyes.. how I can feel the love just by staring at him.. those eyes that expresses thousands and thousands of love when it was staring back at me..

To tell me you love me
To be by my side

His lips that mouths 'I love you forever baby' then appears.. His smile that just gets me so bad.. Just a glimpse of his smile takes all my worries away.. as if my problems have just evaporated out of my head and how that simple smile could calm a chaotic world of mine.

I want you
At the end of my life

Memories of our dates then appear.. how our hands are intertwined so tight.. walking by the shore.. just taking in every second of every moment we were together.. why does he keep on appearing in my head? Ugh.. Tin no.

I push these thoughts away and focus on acing the ending of the song.

Wanna see your face when I fall with grace
At the moment I die
Is that alright?

"What a cover of 'Is That Alright'! It hits you right to the core, right Wishers? Now may I ask, why did you choose to cover this song?" the DJ turns to me engaging into a conversation. I explain to him how I've recently watched the film 'A Star Is Born' and how I legit fell in love with it -- with everything.. from the characters portrayed by Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga to the story to their chemistry to how they've stayed strong to the conflict that fits so good... I'm gonna end the list here for now cause I might just keep on going about the movie.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2019 ⏰

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