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My name is Veronica west, I'm 25 years old. I used to live with my family in Los Angeles.
10 years ago,I was kidnapped by one of the most powerful Mafia leader in the world' SMITH SAMUEL'S' also known as "THE SINISTER"
Since the day i was kidnapped my world has changed from a life filled with happiness and laughter to a world filled with hatred and a thirst of revenge.
Just like they say

10 years ago.
I woke up to the stupid sound of my alarm. I used my pillow to cover my ears, but it's of no use. I lazily got up from bed, when I took a glance of my alarm on the side table it reads 6:30. Another day in that hell hole they call school. I headed to the bathroom and did my morning routine, washed my hair and had a nice warm shower before brushing my teeth. I entered my room and headed to my closet to look for what to wear. I picked a black jean trouser, a white tank top and a denim jean jacket with my black ankle boots. While dressing up, I hear my mum shout my name, telling me to hurry up and get downstairs for breakfast. I grabbed my backpack my assignment book my phone,charger,wallet with some change in. I let my shoulder length hair fall down and use some lip gloss before heading downstairs.
"Morning mum, morning Dad." "Morning darling" they both reply. I sit on a chair in the dinning room and eat my breakfast which consists of omelette, pancakes with honey on the top, Bacon's and hash browns with a protein shake. I literally hate protein shakes but mum Force's me to take e'm every morning, and Emma needs it to keep her model body in shape. Emma is my step sister, she's my age mate but I'm elder than her with a month. We headed outside to car while Dad drives us to school. (Emma is Veronica's step sister, her mother's husband's daughter..those that even make sense 🙄?! It simply means Evans ain't the father of Veronica and Theresa ain't the mother of Emma😴)
"See ya later girls"
"Bye dad" I replied. Emma just got out and walked towards her group of friends. I got out and walked towards Danielle. We've been best friends since 5th grade
"Yo bitch"she squeaks
"Aii fucker" I replied. We walk hand in hand as we enter school to our lockers. We kept gisting and talking about weird stuffs before the bell rings. We head to our classes and before you know it school was over. Dad ain't coming to pick us so I might as well just walk home, I'm sure Emma lil catch a ride with her hoes of a friend. I and Danielle walk home together. "Make sure ya message me when ya get home aii?" I tell her.
"Aiit ma" she replied
I give her a smack her in the ass and head inside my house, when I turn to look out her she gives me the middle finger and I give her a goofy smile before heading inside.
"Mom I'm home"
"Welcome hun" she replies.
I got to my room and pulled my clothes and put on a denim short and a tank top. I grabbed my bag and dig in in my assignments.
"Veronica!" My mom voice brings me out of my studying. When I glanced around I saw it was almost dark, mfg I've been studying for a while. I went downstairs to answer my mom.
"I need ya to help me get some stuff from the grocery store." Then I realized I haven't eaten since I came back from school.
"Why don't u send Emma, she's right in front of you, typing away on her phone" ..."besides I'm hungry"
"Ugh fine.. I'll go by myself" my mum replies. I checked the time on the wall clock and it reads 5:45pm , shit .. I needa hurry up for the band.
I'm in a band, I'm the vocalist, I sing in a club and people love our music's, the owner of the club pays us really well.
I head upstairs to wear a dark trouser and a black shirt and black denim jacket with my black boot. Left my phone to charge and headed for my window.
No one knows I'm in a band , except Danielle. I hail a taxi and give him the address. He gives me a weird look, Wondering what a girl like me is doing in a club but he drives anyway. I pay the man his money and rush out to the back entrance. I knock five times and the door was opened. I rushed inside and went to my band. "You're late" Andrew says.
"I know I'm sorry, lost track of time."
I walked to the stage and carried my guitar.
My band played for me while
I sang, but I could feel a set of eyes on me the whole time. I can't really make out the features of the person because he's at the far end of the club at the VIP side. After the music everyone cheered for us and I went down. I walked inside towards the dressing room and no one was here, I might as well head home.
I turned my back to leave but came to a halt at the site of the Greek god standing in front of me , with my jaw on the floor I take in his features he's has a dark thick hair which I know will be soft to run my fingers trough and a high cheek bone with a sharp jaw I'm afraid the bone might cut his skin, with plump kissable pink lips, thick brows, long thick lashes ,broad shoulders, long legs, big arms, and I can see his tattoos trough his white tight shirt , he has a tan color skin ,and those green mesmerizing, he's so tall and muscle but yet has this lean frame, he's face void of any emotions. He's worth to droll for.
" You could just take a picture, it lasts longer" he has British accent fuck.. he's perfect.
"Uh-huh wah?" I asked . I mentally palmed my head..I can't even make out a coherent sentence
"Are u daft?" He asked. TF? This nigga be rude, way to spoil his personality, fine body with a ugly personality
"Excuse me? Wtf u think you are to barge in here and talk the me in that sort of manner?"
He raises a brow in reply intimidating me
I stare into his mesmerizing green eyes while he stare back into my black eyes
"I like your voice"he finally breaks the silent.
I raise my brow in reply giving him a confused look
"You welcome" he replied
" I want you to sing for my sister's party" he says
"Here's my me and I will give you the details" he hands me a card with his phone number on it
"What is your name?"
"Veronica" I replied
"I'm Shawn" he replied
"Okay." I replied in a flat tone
"How old are you?"
"15" I replied
"15!"he replied shocked Asif he doesn't believe me
"Yeah 15..why, you don't believe?" I asked
"Well yeah ... you look ....."
I raise my brow telling him to finish his sentence
"Hot" he blurts
I'm sure my cheek will be a crimson colour as i dart my eyes away from him. Me and Emma are polar different she's the skinny model type with long legs... while I'm the thick curvy short type who likes food a lot"
"Thanks" I replied
"You welcome"
There was a brief silence so I decided to break it
"How old are you and what are u doing in America?"
"I'm 18, and my sister schools here... so I came for a visit"
"Okay".."I have to head home it's getting late" I said
"I will drop you " he says
"No thanks" the last thing I need is mom asking me a 100 questions
"But it is late" he replied
"I'm fine.. seriously"I replied
"Okay..if you insist"
"Don't forget to call me" . With that he left the room.
I just stared at the entrance where he just walked trough like a dummy.

I left the club and headed home, it's already quarter past seven now. Mom's gonna kill me if she finds out I ain't home.
I followed my short cut which was too quiet and creepy for my liking. I heard footsteps behind me and turned around but saw no one . I could swear I heard footsteps. I continued walking fast and heard the footsteps again this time louder and nearer. I started running fast but before I could enter the main road I bumped into a hard wall and fell down ... When I looked up...I realized it wasn't a wall both a man's chest, very huge man. I quickly got up in an attempt to run but he grabbed my hands so roughly and violently.
"Let go of me you creep" I screamed
A black bus came and another man came out to grab me inside
"Help,! Somebody help me! "
I shouted. But it was of no use.. I felt a needle pock my arm and stings me. After that my eyes were spinning..I tried to keep my eyes open but slowly darkness creeped into me,until all I could see was blank.

Her Hopes, His DistractionTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon