the encounter

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You stand on the train as the world around you moves. Your grip tightens on the rail as your breath hitches. Your heart races as you break out in a cold sweat. He's. Right. There. Right next to you. All you have to do is turn. You've been anticipating this exact moment. Everything is perfect right now. You have nothing to lose. Everybody else minds their own business, and nobody is watching. You're pressuring yourself to make your move. You can do this, it's just a simple "hi"... but why is this so hard? It won't be long until the train stops, and you may never get this opportunity again. You muster up every inch of courage you have... but you chicken out last second. Damn. How do people do this? Time's running out, and every nerve in your body is on end. You close your eyes to calm yourself.
The train suddenly brakes and starts going again. The jerk wasn't that powerful, but your shaky, sweaty hands loosen their grip on the handrail. You fall and wait for the impact... that never comes.

When your eyes open, you see his concerned face staring into yours. You let out a slight gasp, and panic sets in. You've always dreamed of this moment, but when it's actually happening you freeze.
"Hey, are you alright?" he chuckles. "You must be very fragile if a little jolt like that was enough to knock you off your feet!"
His kind face softens and your heart melts. Out of your control, blood rushes to your cheeks. "What do I do?" You ask yourself.

"My, you're all red now! Did I embarrass you? Sorry," he laughs, and it's the most beautiful thing ever. Now you have to say something or awkwardness will ruin your entire life.

"N-no, not at all! Haha, I-I just can't believe something so l-little shook me so much!" You stuttered. You now realised that you. Were. In. His. Arms. Your heart goes into overdrive.

"Well, good thing I caught you in time!" He happily exclaimed. Damn, he does things to you. The train slows down. "Hey, I think this is my stop. Too bad I have to let go of you now," he jokes.

You noticed that you were still in his arms, and immediately stood up. "O-oh, s-sorry!" The doors opens and people start getting off.

"Haha, it wasn't a problem at all!" He waves goodbye to you as he heads through the door. You can't let him get away like that so easily!

"H-hey!" You shout. He turns around, confused. "I- I, uh, I hope I see you again!"
He pauses, surprised. Then, he smiles. "I never caught your name?"

"It's (last name), (first name)."

"I'll never forget that," he says as the doors close. The train moves again.
Then, everything registers. You just talked to Oh, Sangwoo.

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