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"I-I, um..." He fumbles for words.

I just laugh. Then I say,

"I know you like her Alex."

"H-How do you know that?" He questions.

"Ever hear of love at first sight?" I ask.

He looks at me like I was an idiot.

"Don't look at me like that. Its real, and it happens to everyone. And for Max, it happened twice. Mason and you." I say.

He blushes.

"You think that shared love thing you talked about would work?" He asks after a while.

"It most defiantly will. Now, if you don't mind me, I'm gonna go have a talk with Mason." I mimic a salute and walk off.

After talking with Mason, I head to mine and Colby's room. He was in there editing a video. I look over his shoulder and see that he was almost done. I sigh slightly and crash onto the bed.

"Man! Playing cupid is tiring!" I say.

"I bet. You look really tired, take a nap."

"You're the best Colbs." I say and close my eyes, drifting off.

Time skip...

I wake up to someone banging something. I raise up to see Colby holding his foot. I couldn't fight the laugh.

"It's not funny! How would you feel if you just banged your toe off of a desk!?" Colby said, still holding his foot.

I kept laughing and he playfully glared at me. After a minute or two, I stop laughing and ask,

"What time is it."

He checks his phone and says,


"D**n. Why didn't y'all wake me up?" I ask.

"We didn't want to be attacked." He said honesty.

I had to agree with him there. I can be a b***h when I am awoken.

"Fair point, come here." I say and he attempts to walk over.

"D**n, you hit it hard, didn't you?" I laugh lightly, but had concern in my voice.

"It hurts!" He says in a baby voice.

"Would it be better if I give you some oreos and Cherry Dr. Pepper?" I ask, holding back a laugh.

"Yes!" He said like a child.

I playfully roll my eyes and get up, walking out the door and downstairs. I walk past the living room and see Max, Alex, and Mason cuddled up on the couch watching American Horror Story. I was mentally fangirling. I just walked past and looked back at Max with a smirk. She saw and blushed.

I silently laugh and get the stuff, heading back upstairs. I get up there and find Colby playing with his koala. It was so cute, I didn't want it to end. But he just had to notice me and stop.

"We is gonna watch movies." I say and set the pop and cookies down.

He turns the TV on and goes to Netflix as I open the cookies. I brought about 4 boxes and a 12 pack of Dr. Pepper. I cover up and snuggle into his blanket. I sigh really hard and loud.

"What?" He asks.

"I left my wolf over there and I'm comfortable right here." I sigh again.

He laughs and gets up, getting my wolf and gives it to me. I smile and snuggle into it, thanking him. He gets into the bed and hits play. I didn't realize what he chose until I heard the Bridge to Terabithia intro play. My eyes light up and I hug Colby tightly.

"Thanks Colbs!"

"You're welcome." He replies.

Bridge to Terabithia is my favorite movie of all time.

Shared Love (Colby Brock)Where stories live. Discover now