Chapter 2

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It's been a week since you came to remnant ozpin told you about a woman named Salem but you swore not to say anything about it especially the team Ruby you got to know a little bit more about Blink was the funnest and related to the man who founded the White Fang a group of people trying to make life better for phone this but are actually criminal Weiss comes from a family of Rich snobs Young's mother was a bandit leader at her father was a master at hand-to-hand combat Ruby's mother it was a powerful Huntress who went missing and she want to fight monsters like her mother did

I'm so surprised you're fine with me staying with you imma freaking half-demon you said

You're also human and you're our friend so i think we'll be all right Yang said

Yeah well soon I'll be vulnerable because of the Moon you said making them look at you strange

This is certain time of the year witch Austin told me about yesterday that tonight is a special occasion for half demons like me my ears would disappear in my hair turns black and i won't be able to use my storage on my demon powers then you said

Ow stop that hurts a voice said you all turn and see a guy pulling on another student's ears

I'll be right back you said

You walk up and tap the guy on the shoulder he looks like you and without warning you punch him in the face he lets go of the girl's ears and he grabs his nose which is gushing out blood

If there's anything i hate it's a bully you just a weak person trying to make yourself look tough when in reality you're nothing more than a coward you said he gets up and tries to punch you but you grab his fist and kick him in the chest knocking him back down

TENSSAIGA you yelled as you pull the sword out and grew to a giant size

TENSSAIGA you yelled as you pull the sword out and grew to a giant size

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The moment they see the size of the sword they are scared shittless

So this is what's going to happen you were going to leave here and never bother any other student again if you ever bother someone again I'll show you what this or can really do you said as you about ready to hit him with it and him and his team run away scared the store returns to it's sealed form and you put it back in its Scabbard

You can go back to sit down with Team RWBY and they look at you shocked

Being a half demon Ii was always picked on my bullies my father used to beat them up all the time and trade me how to fight so i could defend myself if there's anything i hate in both my world and Remnant it's a bully you said

That was so amazing Ruby said

It was nothing really he should be glad I didn't use the wind scar i probably would have destroyed half the cafeteria if i did that you said shocking them

They went to miss goodwitches class where the guy you had just beaten up was there I'm taking down Jaune

I challenge you Cardon said pointing to you

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