Chapter 10 - The Cat

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"So, how has your day been? You seem to be very tense." He spoke to her in a normal manner. As if he had known her since they had just met after being separated in a past life. But there is no way that he would have known her since then.

She sighed as she looked down, "It was fine. I hung out with some friends and then I went to dinner at a friend's house. I kind of like this guy, but I think he likes a good friend of mine. But I am used to not being liked. Like, like-liked." Chat looked at her with a hint of sadness in his eyes.

He then smiled and leaned in close to her face, "Well, I like you. Does that count?" He asked the question in a playful tone, but he also meant it. He was kind of crazy about her. She responded to his flirts and went along with everything. She had her own sass which was nice compared to Ladybug's seriousness.

But he did feel sad because although he didn't know who White Rabbit was but he did have a good sense of her personality. He was actually kind of hoping that he knew her outside of their superhero roles. If he knew then he could totally get to know her more.

White Rabbit looked at Chat and gave a wry smile. "But I thought that you liked Ladybug? What could suddenly change your mind to start liking me?" As Chat had analyzed the tone of her voice, he thought those were words that were often spoken.

Chat played it off casually and left those thoughts to be pondered upon when he laid in his bed. "What could make me change my mind? Well, your sense of humor and sass are as purr-fect as your puns." He walked forward along the edge of the roof, holding his arms straight out to the side. "You also have beautiful e/c eyes. Which absolutely sparkle in the moonlight."

He took a glimpse of her face to see her reaction. Although she was acting tough with her posture, he could see that there was a deeper color spreading across her face. He chuckled a little bit before he then turned around to completely face her. "Something wrong princess?"

She crossed her arms as she looked away from Chat. He chuckled as he walked closer to her with a smile spread wide across his entire face. "What? Cat got your tongue?" Her blush increased as she pushed him away. "No way.." She said as she turned to look at the city of Paris.

"I think that it is getting a bit too late. I am going to wander around a little more. I have a tight regime to follow now." She said as she turned around and headed towards his school. "You live by the high school?" He asked as he took a step closer to her. She turned her head sharply, "Yes, I do. Now, I am going to be leaving and enjoying my last bit of freedom."

After taking a step forward, she leaned in and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. He felt his own face heat up when she pulled away. He brought his hand up to his cheek as he watched her turn around and run towards the edge of the rooftop. He had to pinch himself to make sure that he was still in reality.

He turned his head to the side as she leaped off of the building. He wondered what could have made her attitude change so quickly. He then began to follow behind her, he then stopped as he realized that this would most likely reveal her identity. He turned around and used his staff to head home.

He swung into his room through his open window and de-transformed. Once Plagg flew out of his ring, he lay down in bed and began to look up at his own ceiling. He placed his hand back on his cheek. White Rabbit had actually placed a kiss on his cheek. He smiled as he fell into a deep sleep.

He looked around his surroundings. It took him a moment for him to realize that it wasn't a dream. He couldn't find out for it to be lucid. But he didn't really care, his thoughts would usually allow him to guide him.

He saw that he was in the middle of a fight with an akuma. He saw Ladybug fighting a girl in a very extravagant outfit. She was wearing a very poofy dress that had multi-colored patches and there was a matching top hat to go with this ensemble. She could hear the girl shouting at someone in front of her.

"You are the worst father! You blame me for all of your problems. You keep me on a tight leash on which I can almost never do what I want unless I was inside of our house." She kept on shouting and shouting at the man who on the ground, a bit bloodied and bruised.

Both him and Ladybug were deflecting attacks from the girl's umbrella. They were both exhausted and beaten when she then screamed, "And if I, Y/n L/n, AKA the Mad Hatter, ever see that boy Adrien Agreste. I will kill him myself for being such an idiot."

Adrien then sat up as he woke from his dream, no his nightmare, and felt his head to feel beads of sweat dripping down his face. He wiped away the sweat and he grabbed his cell phone off of his nightstand to check the time. The time was 4:23 in the morning on Sunday in Paris, France. He knew that he would not be able to fall back asleep again after that dream.

Was it really just a bad dream or was it a premonition that Y/n was going to get akumatized and that she didn't really have a loving father. He couldn't tell in the moment so he just sat on his couch and watched movies on the TV in his room.

Sundays were usually his free days through his schedule. When the time had come for normal people to have woken up and he had sent Y/n a text, asking her if she wanted to hang out at the library for a while and talk about the homework for over the weekend.

He waited a little while for a response before he hopped into the shower. He walked in and set his phone on the sink as he began the shower. When he was about halfway through his shower, he heard his phone ring out loud. He pulled back the shower curtain and leaped across the room to retrieve his phone.

He slid across the floor with a groan as he answered the phone. He didn't even look to see who had called him in the first place. "Hello? This is Adrien Agreste speaking?" He then heard Y/n's voice come through the speaker, "Hey. I got your text and I would love to hang out with you. I had to make sure that it was okay with my dad first before I gave a response."

He smiled, "Oh. It's not a problem. I will meet you in the school library at about noon today?" He heard her chuckle through the phone and it made his chest swell just a little bit. "That sounds great. I will see you there Adrien." Afterward, she hung the phone with another chuckle.

He then finished his shower and continued through the day until it was about 11:30 and he had to leave for the library. He hurried down to the foyer and quickly left the house, not even fully answering the questions his father had asked him. Only giving the response of "Y/n, meeting at the library. Bye!"

He didn't even bother to take the metro as he rushed through the streets of Paris to get to his school. He knew that everything wasn't too far apart from each other since kids lived a bit farther away from the school and they still walked to school. So he didn't have a problem doing this at all.

When he got up the stairs of the school, he smiled as he navigated his way through the school to the library. He checked his phone for the time and smiled when it said 11:50. He walked through to find one of the tables in the back for him and his friend.

To his surprise, Y/n had already met him there at the table he was about to head to. "I see that you are early as well today." She looked up from her book and gave a chuckle. "I learned something my uncle did when he was in the military. You're early then you're on time. You're on time then you're late. And if you're late, then you are screwed."

He chuckled as he set his bag down on the table and looked at her. "That seems like a good saying. Maybe it could be re-phrased a bit. But a good phrase, nonetheless." He pulled out the math homework as she then pulled out her own. "Let's get ready to do some math." He said as she playfully rolled her eyes. 

White Rabbit &  Black Cat {Chat Noir x Reader}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن