The Meeting

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(Short story about Beka and Rosto. I'm writing this because I had an idea, but this story is on permanent hiatus. That means that unless I get an idea, no updates. I'm not the sort of writer that can force stories, you know? I need inspiration. That's probably why teachers hate me. I can't write on command. Also, if you don't completely hate me because of my lack of dedication to writing, please check this out: . My friend and I are making a movie! But we don't have enough money :( .If you could tell any friends that like horror movies, that would be brilliant! She's a writer, and she's really good. Her name on this is Peppermint Popsicle, if you wanna check her out. Sorry. Really long AN. I'll start the story now.)

(It's about Rosto meeting Farmer. Haven't read the book in a while, so I'm rusty. Forgive me, please.)

"Beka... Who's this?" Rosto asked uneasily, gesturing to the man standing beside Beka. They seemed a little too... close for his liking.

Beka grimaced. She knew this would happen. She mentally slapped herself in the face. "He's, um, my friend? That I met while on a Hunt?" Crap. She sounded nervous. This was gonna suck.

Farmer grinned. "I'm Farmer. And you are...?" He asked Rosto. "Rosto The Piper. Some call me the King."

'Oh good, you know each other now. I think I hear Cora calling." Beka ran for the door, just as Farmer and Rosto lunged after her. She managed to escape, so they were left to puzzle it out by themselves.

This was gonna be awkward.

(Wow, okay that was shorter than I thought it was going to be. Did anyone see the blood moon/Total eclipse? Wasn't it great?! I watched the entire thing at my Grandma's house with my extended family. Warning: Even if I write more, this laptop is ultra evil. It freezes all the time. I wrote an entire story on my FanFiction account, and I died and I lost everything! PLEEEASSE don't hate me, and remember to check out our movie on kickstarter! Ugh, this is more AN than story. I'll do better next time. Don't killllll meeeeeeeeeee)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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