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Greyson Asher Corner, 25 years of age, happened to be the only son and child of his parents, Nicholas and Ruth, and it was expected that he take over the company upon his father's retirement. While his father never doubted his competence, he certainly didn't expect that his son would make so much of the company. He was proud of his son's achievement. He had seen the boy's negotiation skills and business demeanor and it would be an understatement to say that he was utterly impressed. Nicholas and Ruth only had a problem with their sons womanizing ways and were afraid that in due time, it would become a huge problem for everyone.

Growing up, Asher spent all his spare time either in the company of his squad or in the orphanage home. He came to realize that all his classmates, although were nice, didn't really care for anyone but themselves. They knew they all belonged to a similar social class and so they were rather interested in trying to be better than the rest.

His squad consisted of the dearest Amora, Kimberly, Jayden, Jasmine and Jeremiah.

Kimberly Young was an adopted child of his father's close friends, Elisa and Lucas. Two years after their marriage, they saw that they still had no children of their own and so they visited a doctor who told them that it was impossible for them to have any kids. They adopted her from the orphanage home Nicholas Corner ran in Seattle. Usually, Nicholas never allowed the children in any of his orphanage homes to be adopted but he knew that his friends would take good care of the child even though they had their own later on -which they didn't-. Kimberly grew up to be a successful medical doctor and at the age of 23, she worked in one of the best hospitals in the entire state. The entire squad knew of her not-so-secret crush on Greyson however, she knew Greyson would never see her as anything other than his little sister.

Jayden, Jeremiah and Jasmine were triplets and Greyson's cousins. Although he found out that his father was adopted, he never saw his father's foster sister, Natalia, as anything less than his aunt. She married another of his father's close friend, Trevor King. Jayden was the first of the triplet older than Jeremiah with 10 minutes and Jasmine with 13 minutes. Jayden took over his father's shipping line business since he saw that neither of his siblings took a liking to their father's line of work and just like Natalia had a crush on Greyson, Jayden had a major crush on Natalia. Jeremiah had always been rather interested in becoming an accountant and he worked directly with Greyson. He also had a stockbroking company. Jasmine on the other hand went into modelling and having an aunt like Elisa, who was well known in that field of work, climbing the ladder was easy for her. That wasn't to say that she slacked because she knew she had a sure footing; she worked her ass off, making sure to eat what was necessary for her to maintain her slim slender body while being healthy, travelling to wherever and doing whatever was required of her. Although her career was given to her on a silver platter, she was determined to make her own name and it was safe to say she was doing a fine job at it. Of all the squad, Jasmine was Greyson's favorite and it was safe to say that the girl was going to remain a virgin and unmarried forever due to the unending attention she got from all the boys in the squad, chasing away any possible male prospects.

Amora had always been an entire story on her own. Greyson had taken cognizance of her existence when they were five and her father was newly employed as the gardener for the Corners. He had been infatuated ever since then, giving his parents trouble about wanting to be in the same school as her, introducing her to his friends and cousins and spending almost all of his time with her. Even though he knew nothing about love or marriage, he had informed his parents that he was going to marry her. He made sure the entire world knew that he was going to have a hundred kids with her and he made sure to tell her every day without fail what he felt for her. At least until he heard that she had gone to a place where he could never meet her to tell her he loved her or to share a plate of food with her or to kiss and hold her; until he heard she had died at a young age of 19.

Everyone knew how devastated and broken he was when he heard that his childhood sweetheart had died in one of her adventures. Apparently the boat she found herself in while in the middle of the sea of nowhere capsized and help was too far away. Greyson had spent a year mourning her death and just like that, moving from a scale of 0-100 real quick, he became a young sexy hunk of a billionaire with a Wi-Fi for a dick connected to several women's heart as the tabloids liked to call him.

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