Where You FROM? part 1

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Everyone from los angeles knows what it mean when they hear the three words "Where you from", some would act the part depending on where they are located in the city. On the east side of Los Angeles, 1227 E 81st st is where I heard it the most. In between the Gangs  "Eastcoast CRIP" and "Swans" my brother Derrick found himself being part of "KCG" (East side 87 Kitchen Crip)  and was known as "Toasty loc". Back in the early 90s is when that journey began for him just after summer going to the 8th grade, by the time my bro was in high school he had already established himself as a certified hood gangsta. I cant tell anyone everything that my brother was tied to because only the smart ones know to do dirt by yourself and keep others out of it if you can, there isn't too many people that knew what my brother was capable of but I learned young that Toasty was a Force not to be reckoned with. I probably fought my brother more than anyone on the face of this planet, at the time I felt like this guy went from being my best friend to a big bully, after some years I learned it was to toughen me up, though I am no fan of physical confrontation Derrick was someone to bet on, if he was still alive I'd bet any amount of money that Toasty could knock out any pro boxer, not just was he strong, and fast he also had a tremendous amount of endurance during fights which is why I myself have never seen him lose. Our childhood stomping ground was Charles Drew Middle school, this is where Toasty built his name. There would be days where I get to school to see a riot and a huge fight, back then I had no idea how it all began but learning a few things about someone before they pass away is a good way to fill in the blanks. Dee was always ditching class or school itself to either put in work or mingle with the girls. Derrick was a rolling stone. So much that one day I was punched in the eye by a girl he dated because I defended him, I wasnt too sour about it because I had to beat her ass in class, and was expelled in the 7th grade. The most interesting part about all that was Derrick wasnt even a student there anymore, he had graduated and was in high school attending Fremont. My brothers reputation stretched across Los Angeles in the 90s and by the year 99 anyone who claimed a hood in la knew who he was and what he was capable of. I was a child scared straight way before the tv show aired. It was because of a neighbor of mine by the name of BOLO, who had spent time for manslaughter and gang violence, if BOLO was still around he would be very proud that I kept my word, it was easy for me, I'm not sure what conversations he had with my brothers but he told me something I would never forget, first he showed me his scars of battle (cuts on the face and arms) then he informed me on how he had earned them scars over years of prison and hood battles, conflicts with the police and the drama that was associated with being a gang affiliate. My neighbor Bolo told me one time, with the stone cold face "your a good kid, LA ant for you lil blood but if I ever learn that you done went and joined a gang I will kill you with my bare hands". That was all I needed, I feared the possibility because I was soft. That day Bolo introduced me to his nephew "Peanut" who was all into the Nintendo, this was my first experience playing a console game and I feel in love. Video games helped me keep that promise, and kept me out of trouble at the most point but at the same time I almost lived under a rock. I didn't do too much venturing the outside  streets, it was dangerous. There was a time I can remember walking home from school and there was this alley I would go through to shortcut home, halfway through I notice a guy standing in a corner we caught eyes for a glimpse of a second, when I passed him I could hear the sound of what I assumed was a clip being loaded, I took off running, and before I reached the end of the alley all I hear next is "FUCK CRABS" then gun shots, I never bothered to turn around and check, I made it home safely without a scratch. As fortunate as it was to make it out alive this wouldn't be the last time it happened. Mom didn't know alot about what me and my brothers was up to on a daily basis so if we could help it we made sure not to stress her out. If she would have known half of what we did she probably would have moved and our childhood would have changed a bit. Life in south central was the movie "South Central" with a mix of "Colors", "Cops", and "La vida Loca".
O.G. Gangster Bobby Johnson was the life of many Los Angelenos and we endured more cop/gang issues than any county in California. My brother and his affiliation with KCG brought on the riot in the mid 90's where Blacks and Mexicans rivaled,  almost on a daily basis F13 logos were striked out and covered by KCG, this created a huge problem at school, at a point I even found myself banding with my fellow black student. Even though I resented gang violence, I didn't see it to be so because I was a target due to my skin color. In 1997 I graduated jr high and we moved away from the east side, still in LA we relocated to 83rd and Figueroa, this is when my brother had his daughters Jade and Jada by his first Love Summer Lazenby. I grew up the youngest with two older brothers, my brothers made love early on and brought me two sister in laws whom I consider actual sisters, Summer and Chloe was the glue that kept us in LA, and if it wasn't for them being wonderful girls we would have surely moved far away from LA, so Thank you sisters for being a bond stronger than Jesus.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2019 ⏰

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