The white room

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Authors note:

So the first chapter or so won't really be leico yet but I assure you it will come soon!

Nico pov

The same four white walls and white floor and ceiling. Every. Day.

Since Nico was ten and his mother and sister had been killed, nico became violent. He never spoke and never smiled. He was left to his thoughts for six years and his mind was a terrifying place.

But he didn't want to hurt anyone. Not really. But when the only touch you have is being manhandled and pushed, human contact doesn't sound too great.

The white door in the white room was being unlocked. Nico sat in his corner and watched the person who was opening it. It was yet another guard whom Nico has refused to learn the name of and his step mother Persephone.

"Don't go over the line if you know what's good for you. " The nameless guard told Persephone and stood in front of the door. Persephone cautiously walked over to Nico and Nico gave her a look that conveyed his feelings of betrayal and spite.

She sighed and and crouched by the ten foot mark. "You know your father and I love you" she said and nico looked unimpressed. "So we thought we'd get you a person to keep you company and teach you a few things." Another crazy person? two in a room? "he's nor-" she caught herself, "not like you. But I'm sure you will like him." Nico scowled harder.

"You have met his father before and I hope you will get along with him. If you become comfortable, you will be able to leave here soon." She tried to sound enthusiastic.

Nico just sighed. Every time they told him that was a lie. He couldn't wait to see the poor soul who'd be locked in a cage with him. They were basically throwing a steak into a lions cage.

"I know you can be kind. I've seen pictures if you with your sister and mother," she tried to sound nice but it only awakened his dark memories.

He was silent and the only noise in the room was the click of Persephone's heels on the floor.

"By the way, he is coming tomorrow." The guard tells him as he shuts the door.

Tomorrow. He only had one day to prepare for failure and the real possibility of a straight jacket.

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