Sugar x watermelon

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Melons pov
I knew I shouldn't have brought sugar to this party. Sugar hadn't had a drink since "the incident" but we don't talk about that.  After a while of him talking about communism he stood on top of a table and cut off the music. Everyone turned to look at drunken sugar.
"Woomenz and gentle guyz, I have a confession to say. Now you guyz must bees like what did dude finna say? Well I'm bouts to tell you. I ams in the luv.   I know I knows you probably like but with who's?"
"Get off the table mor-" "SHUT DA FUK UP IM TALKING! Anywayz I is in luvs with melon!" Then he grabbed me and he kissed me. I kissed back. I had always had a crush on sugar but never had the guts to say anything. Once we broke apart sugar said. "Wait a second who is you!?!" Then he jumped off the table running away yelling
Everyone including me started to laugh hysterically. Omfg wait till I tell him what he did tomorrow.

Sugar POV
I woke up with a pounding in my head. God what did I doo last night? Then melon walked in.
"You wanna know what you did last night?"
"Oh no was it bad?"
"Yes and no"
"What's that sposed to mean"
"Well for one you embarrassed me and yourself"
"Oh god"
"And then you confessed your love for me and then ran a way screaming that you just kissed a communist" I winked at him.
"I did? Well what did you do?"
"I kissed back"
"But why?"
"Dummy I love you too." I kissed his forehead and left. "Call me."

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