Sirens and Selkies

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This one is basically new, I wrote it last month.  The prompt is once again bolded.


The siren's eyes were black and glassy. Very little light reflected off them- more like empty pits than pools of glass.

"Hello," says the hero chosen by no one "I'm here to help."

"You'll drown trying," warns the siren "but follow me, unwanted one."

The siren's eyes were black and glassy. Very little light reflected off them- more like empty pits than pools of glass.

"Hello," said Oliver. "I'm here to help."

"You'll drown trying," warns the siren, "but follow me, unwanted one."

"What do you mean?" Oliver followed the siren as she swam deeper in the water. "I thought if a siren called for help, whoever answered didn't need to worry about drowning."

The siren looked back at the man swimming behind her. "That is true. However, the selkie queen is more powerful than me." The siren turned back around and continued to swim, letting Oliver trail behind. "The queen is the queen for a reason– she's gone for thousands of years without being caught by a human male, and to continue that trend, she can either force me to withdraw the blessing or power past it. Either way, you will drown."

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