Chapter #9: A Bitter Home Coming

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*Chapter by Smriti*

tw: homophobia (slight)

Cyrus wasn't used to driving, that usually was TJ's area of expertise. But, after leaving Amber's house, TJ had been in no shape to be on the road. Right from when he and Cyrus had switched seats, he had just been staring out of the window listlessly, his breath ragged and broken. Teardrops were falling on his hoodie and jeans, and his whole posture was closely resembling that of a child crying themselves to sleep, curled up on himself. Cyrus had a loose hold of TJ's hand, rubbing his thumb comfortingly over the back of his palm as he kept the other hand on the wheel.

They weren't going very fast. As soon as Amber's house had disappeared from the rearview mirror, Cyrus had pulled to the side of the road, holding TJ as he broke down in his arms, sobs racking his body with no signs of stopping.

"We shouldn't have gone, Cy," TJ gasped between sobs. "We shouldn't have gone."

"Shh, it's okay, TJ," Cyrus comforted, rubbing the back of his head as he held him tightly against his chest. "We had to see her some time. It needed to happen, and it isn't bad that it did."

"She hates us, Cy."

"She doesn't hate you, TJ. She could never hate you. Hey," Cyrus said softly, pulling away. He cupped TJ's cheek, looking him in the eye. "She loves you so much, TJ. Anyone can see that. She's just worried about you, rightly so. She doesn't hate you," he said firmly. "Do you hear me?"

TJ nodded slightly, looking down, letting the tears flow. Cyrus cupped his face and pressed a kiss to TJ's forehead, before turning back to the steering wheel. TJ settled back in his seat, giving Cyrus a small smile before looking ahead. Cyrus squeezed his hand, turning to start the car so that they could leave the town behind.

One turn. Another turn. Why wasn't it working? Cyrus peered at the front of the car, repeatedly turning the key. TJ had also sat up, sniffing slightly.

"What's going on, Cy?" he asked, concern rising in his tone.

"Don't know," he mumbled back, opening the car door and heading to the bonnet. He opened it, and a puff of smoke hit him straight in the face, sending him into a coughing fit.

"Shit," Cyrus grumbled, slamming down the hood.

"What is it?" TJ said, getting out of the car.

"Engine's busted," Cyrus said, hands on his waist as he looked around, his breath growing heavy. "We should've switched cars before heading here. This is really bad."

TJ looked at him worriedly, glancing around to see if there was anyone else around. Normally, he would be comforting Cyrus, but given everything that had just happened, he too was on edge, just a push away from crumbling again. Cyrus ran his fingers through his hair messily, sweat starting to run down his face.

"Any chance we can push this for some distance?" TJ asked, his voice hoarse. Cyrus just shook his head.

"We can't push it forever. We're closer to the centre of town than we are to the highway anyway."

"We can't steal a car from town! People would see us and they know who we are!"

"It's Shadyside, TJ. Stealing cars is practically a daily occurrence."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07, 2019 ⏰

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