I'm not a fag!

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"Don't call me fat, you buttfucking Jew!"
"Well then don't belittle my people fatass!"
Stan sighed. How long was this going to go on? Those two never seemed to get along. It was getting old. Fatass, Jew, it was never-ending.
"Okay, Jew, if you think you're so damn tough, why don't you fight me at recess?"
"Okay, fatass, challenge accepted."
This caught Stan's interest, and Kenny's, too.
"Woah dude, don't you think that's a little too far?" Stan asked. "Mmphmphmphm?" Kenny muffled through his hood.
"I will kick your ass!" Cartman shouted.
"Not if I kick yours first!" Kyle yelled back.
"Dude, this is fucked up right here." Stan muttered to himself.

Timeskip to recess...

All the kids (except Stan and Kenny) were in a circle around Cartman and Kyle, chanting "Fight, fight, fight!" Cartman was a little nervous, but he was desperate to prove that he was stronger than Kyle. Kyle stood across from him, who was ready to attack. They stood for a while, hearing the chanting of the other kids seemingly echoing across the playground. Cartman then let out a war cry and then tackled Kyle to the ground, which caught him off-guard. The only problem was that Cartman wasn't careful, and that Kyle's mouth was slightly open as he gasped. Soon after, every kid in the circle gasped. And, as it turned out, before they knew it, Cartman and Kyle's lips were connected, with Cartman being on top of Kyle. The kiss was warm, and soft, which Cartman hated. He immediately broke the kiss, and they looked at each other in shock, their faces flushed red.
"Heh, you guys are gay." Bill said from the crowd.
"Shut up, hippie!" Cartman yelled to him.
"Uh, Cartman, could you get off of me?" Kyle asked, still shocked.
"Whoops, sorry." Cartman got off of Kyle. No one in the crowd spoke a word. They all just stared at Kyle and Cartman, which made them uncomfortable. After a while, the circle of children laughed at them. Kyle and Cartman's faces were beet-red. "GODDYAMMIT I'M NOT A FAG!" Cartman yelled. They laughed even harder. "Uh, I'm gonna go now..." Kyle quietly said to the crowd, which was drowned out by their intense laughter. He ran away. Cartman took after him. After they returned to the hallway, Kyle pinned Cartman to the wall by the throat. "What the hell was that?" Kyle seethed. "Let me go Kyle!" Cartman choked as Kyle's hand pressed further down on his throat. "I won't until you explain why you thought it was a good idea to tackle me like that, you fucking fatass!" Kyle shouted. Cartman noticed his face was still very red, his eyes looking straight into his own. When Cartman answered, he realized he was blushing. "I just thought... that it would be a good way to win the fight..." "Well now you see that it was a very fucking retarded idea." Kyle fumed. "Wait..." Cartman said. "Didn't you enjoy it?" He immediately regretted the words that came out of his mouth. This was already awkward enough. Kyle paused for a moment, taken aback, then answered. "Well, no..." Cartman already knew it, but hurt started to fill his eyes. He didn't know why he was so attracted to Kyle all of a sudden, but... Wait, no, I'm not a fag! I never will be! Cartman screamed in his brain. But it was too late. Tears were rolling down his face. "C-Cartman..." Kyle tried to comfort the now crying Cartman. Suddenly, an impulse hit Cartman. He had this sudden urge, and he did it out of desperation. He kissed Kyle hard on the mouth, which took both of them by surprise. But Kyle leaned in, and their lips melded together. This was even better than last time. When they finally broke apart, Stan and Kenny came running up to them. "We heard about the fight." Stan said. "Oh fuck off you guys." Cartman growled. "Mmphmphnph? (Is it true you kissed Kyle?)" Kenny asked. "It was an accident!" Cartman shouted defensively. "We know that." Stan muttered in annoyance. "Clyde said we should've seen your faces. You guys looked like you were on fire, apparently."
"Yeah..." Kyle answered, but his mind seemed to be somewhere else. "Well, see you two in class, then..." Stan said awkwardly, then turned and walked with Kenny down the hallway. Kyle looked at Cartman. "Well, what are we supposed to do now?" he inquired. "Um... can we maybe wait a little longer?" Cartman asked. "Sure..." Kyle replied, and the two boys just sat side by side for a while.

This is my first completed fanfiction, so sorry if it sucks!

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