K. Seokjin

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"Ah! Seokjinnie hyung! Truth or dare.", Jungkook said excitedly as he looked at Seokjin with his hands clasped together as they play truth or dare with the rest.

They were all seated in Namjoon's small apartment as they played a little game of truth or dare. Namjoon thought it would've been a great idea to spend their weekend with a bit of fun.

As Seokjin was making a serious decision, he carefully thought through the question. Obviously taking his time because he knew he would be going against his precious maknae. "Dare.", he replied after a while, thinking his so called 'precious maknae' wouldn't give him such a hard task. Right?

"Wah, Jin hyung is taking a big risk, guys.", Hoseok said as he pointed his finger at Seokjin. "Don't point your finger at me.", Seokjin said as he placed both his fists on his waist.

"Okay...", Jungkook said as he placed his index finger above his upper lip. "I dare you to...", he said as he paused mid sentence. "-to take Sulmi noona on a date this upcoming Monday.", saying as he crossed his arms.

"You cant do that.", Seokjin said as he stared at Jungkook with disbelief displayed on his eyes. "He just did hyung.", Jimin said as he looked back and forth between Jungkook and Seokjin.

"Well a dare is a dare, hyung.", Namjoon said as he chuckled at Seokjin's reaction. "Fine, But-" "hyung stop being so boring, and just do the dare.", Taehyung whined out.

The game went on but the thought of Him asking Sulmi bothered him so much that he spaced out so much.

He was literally in the middle of procrastinating and panicking. He was thinking of where to take Sulmi, or what kind of date? What he should wear?

Man, he even thought of 23 ways of asking her out, such as making a letter? Or like walking up to her desk? text her? Call her, maybe? Literally he was in panic mode. He really liked her.

As days passed, he already sorted out the date and was ready to ask her out, the only problem was what if she rejects him? What if she didn't even like him? All these thought clouded his mind 'till the bell rang. He saw Sulmi at sight, She gave Seokjin a quick glance and smile before she entered their shared classroom.

As soon as he entered the classroom, he went to Sulmi's desk and looked down at her while she gave him a confused look. "Did you need anything Seokjinnie?", She said as she looked back down to her paper work and stapled the corners of the paper.

"I was uhm- I was- I was wondering if you'd like to go out? Like a date? I mean you don't have to but-"
"Of course, Seokjin. I'd love to go on a date with you.", she said as she gave Seokjin her full attention while she smiled at him. "It's a date then!", he said as he smiled widely at her while he held her hands, he soon let go of them when he heard the second bell ring.

"You should probably go back to your seat Seokjin, class is about to start.", she said as she shooed him away and giggled.

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