chapter 1 - "weirdo"

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"This button right here," Daisy said while pointing at a small red button next to the milkshake machine, "is for emergencies only. Press that button and everyone in the restaurant will be alarmed."

I looked around the restaurant and felt a little smile appearing on my face. I saw people drinking, eating, talking, laughing, hugging, kissing. There was one thing every person had in common. Big, small, thin, thick, short, tall, young, old; everyone in the restaurant was having fun. And that was exactly why I applied for this job. And perhaps because of the money..

"Do you actually know how everything works?" Daisy asked me.

I turned around and looked at her.

"Not really if I gotta be honest." I said, shrugging.

"I'd love to explain it to you, but I gotta take care of some things." She replied.

She looked around. A tall girl with brown hair — who also worked here — came in sight. She was helping one of the customers.

"Bailey, can you come here for a second, please?" Daisy asked.

Bailey looked up. When she saw me she immediately dropped her stuff and came walking in our direction.

"So, yeah. I'm Bailey." She said with a smile as she shook my hand.

"I'm Demi. New here." I replied.

"Bailey, can you explain to Demi how everything works?" Daisy asked.

Bailey nodded and immediately grabbed my hand to pull me through the restaurant. She showed me everything. From the way I should be serving the customers, to how cleaning the firepits works. She also gave me a list of things that had to be done today.

"That's a lot." I admitted.

Bailey laughed and nodded.

"Yeah, it ain't easy. But you got this." She said.

I smiled as response and made my way into the kitchen. I looked around. It was bigger and cleaner than the restaurant I used to work at. Not weird, because my former job was in a fast food restaurant where nobody gave a shit about hygiene and health.

"Do you want to help your first customer already?" Bailey asked.

I jumped at her sudden appearance in the kitchen and then nodded without saying anything else. I walked out of the kitchen and greeted the tall guy standing in front of the cash desk, ready to order something.

"Welcome to Daisy's Dinner. How can I help you?" I asked.

The guy shot a friendly smile at me and then gave me a small piece of paper. I glared at him for a second and then grabbed it from the counter.

"That's my usual order, so I thought it'd be a good idea to write it down for you. I'm guessing you're new." The guy explained.

I smiled and then looked at Bailey.

"So.. How does this uhh.. This thing work?" I asked as I pointed at the cash desk.

Bailey held up her finger, signing me I had to pay close attention. She first typed the order into the system with the keyboard that was laying in front of her. She pressed the order on the screen, pressed the 'pay' button and then asked the guy how he wanted to pay. When he held up his debit card, she pressed the 'debit' button. The guy paid and thanked us both with a smile as he made his way to a table in front of us.

"Did you see what I just did?" Bailey asked.

I nodded.

"I'll get used to that." I replied.

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