Character list (Some yet unknown...)

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Faction 1: Magic Animal Forces

Leader: Comm. StampyLongHead


Gen. L for Leeeee

Gen. IBallisticSquid

Gen. CrimsonAzoth

Cpl. SqaisheyQuack

Cpl. Ank55

Cpl. MissXBLA

Cpl. AmyLee33

Sgt. Rosie833

Sgt. Barnaby

Faction 2: The Alliance Against Stampy

Leader: Secret..


Comm. Enderdragoria

Gen. HitTheTarget

Gen. Creepius

Gen. Zombinus

Gen. Skeletor

Gen. Slimus

Gen. Spiderius

Sgt. Derpolollus

Sgt. Pignus

Sgt. Ghastis

Sgt. Blazerius

Sgt. Enderion

For now, they will be the major characters in the story.

BTW, sometimes I will add more soon.

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