chapter 5

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When they arrived at the café, taehyung had said he needed to tell Jeongguk something. He was afraid he would tell him that there could only be one furry in the group or that he though jeongguk was gross. But what he did hear, was very different.
"Gguk, im in love with you."
"Ive always been in love with you. I just thought me being a furry scared you away so i never made a move on it."
"Tae, im in love with you too. I would have loved you even if i wasn't a furry."
"Gguk, do you want to be my furry boyfriend?"
"Tae, id love to."
they shared a furry kiss. And like that, they were two very hapoy furry boyfriends. When they arrived back to the dorm, they were walking hand in hand. Namjoon and yoongi knew everything had gone well and they weren't afraid of their maknae getting hurt anymore. Everyone was very happy and the furry couple lived happily ever after. *kith*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2019 ⏰

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