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Joyce and I were in the Science Library again, trying to write up a procedure for our experiment, and as usual, it was not going well at all. "Dani, how are we supposed to format this again?" Joyce asked me.

"I don't know," I said. "I thought that Jonas gave us a handout about that."

"I left it in my dorm room," Joyce said.

I searched through my backpack, but as I rummaged through my stack of papers, I couldn't find the lab report formatting worksheet. "Honestly, it doesn't matter. I'll just ask Jonas tomorrow after class."

"You always seem to be in his office," Joyce pointed out.

"I go to all of Jonas' office hours," I said. "It's the easiest way to get an A in his class. He usually ends up going off on some tangent, but it's worth it to go."

"He does like going off on tangents. Jonas is possibly the most scatterbrained person I have ever met."

"Don't hold it against him."

"I'm not holding it against him. I'm just a little mad that he hasn't given me my last lab report back yet."

"If you asked him, he'd probably tell you what you got."

"I might do that. Thanks for the advice, Dani."

"No problem," I said. There was a sweet moment of silence, and then Joyce went back to working on our lab report. We both worked on typing up the procedure, even though Jonas would undoubtedly edit it before we started experimenting.

After an hour or so, Joyce said, "I should probably go. I have a lot of homework for my other classes."

"Me too," I said. "What do you still have to work on?"

"There's this collection of Adrienne Rich poems that I'm supposed to read by tomorrow," Joyce explained as she packed up her stuff. "I also need to write an essay for Musicology. It's not due until next week, but I haven't started. How about you?"

"I just have a lot of reading for psychology," I said as we left the Science Library.

"How is that class, by the way?" Joyce asked.

"It's okay. My friend Aditi told me to take it, and it's not too hard, but there's a lot of reading."

"You know, sometimes I wish I had more time to take classes outside of my majors. I'm always so busy trying to finish the three majors - I never seem to be able to do anything else."

I shrugged and said, "You're taking Jonas' Florida Everglades class right now."

"I know, but I'm probably not going to be able to take any more bio classes before I graduate."

"That's too bad. There are a lot of fun classes in the bio department." The two of us stepped around the Egmont Panther and left the Rhodes Center. "Where are you going?"

"The GUAC," Joyce answered. "I need to practice my piano, and then I'm going to Douglas Hall to study. How about you?"

"I'm going to drive into town to study," I said.

"That sounds like fun. Are you going to the Javawocky?" Joyce asked, referring to the coffee shop that was just off-campus.

"No, I'm going to the east side of town," I said.

"That's too bad. I was going to ask you to pick up an iced vanilla latte for me," Joyce said, laughing.

"I might be able to pick something up on the way. It might be a little while before I can get it to you though."

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