chapter 3

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"Hey did you see the news yesterday?"

"Yeah, I heard the festival might be cancelled."

"Omg the news was crazy."

"I know do you think they'll even show themselves?"

"Have you heard the news..."
"Do you know the festival......."
"Hey did ....."
"What about the news.....""hey..." "did""hey""catch""news""cancel""Hey" "festival""hey.zbslalalslslsnxkalamznxnxksndkdnegqksodgqmaoshclxjdoxkdmcjxoc

The whole school was in a buzz, the students talking about what has happened and the affects it will have. Gossip started to rise with the cancellation of the event coming or if the one responsible would even show. Nothing was concrete to make a conclusion, all of it was just rumors.

Through the halls was nothing but chatter and three individuals to part as well.

"So if they do intend to show, what will happen?" Somehow tokoyami was the only one to ask that. The rest were to fixed on the cancellation or the perpetrator showing, not what the heros plan to do if they do show.

"Don't know, I mean they could try and capture the person, but if they were announcing it to all they'll have a plan ready." The half and half was wondering why annouce it, wouldn't it had been easier to do it by surprise?

"Who knows, but the question remains, is the league of villains behind it or connected in some way or is this a whole new villain?" Tsyu had a point. The league has been mia for almost a year and recently murders started to happen. Was this all to make a comeback in some twisted way or someone new to the villain world?

The three continued on reaching the class where it was half empty still. All was usual except for katsuki sitting calmly instead of being with his usual group telling them to die and shut up.

Death. The only thing that shigaraki wanted at that moment. Tied to a chair, seven fingers where now gone, he's been blinded and lost his right eye, not just that he is also missing most of his teeth.

No, that wasn't the bad part. The worst of it all is that the 4th commander of the regime was drugging him to increase the pain. Not only that, they had used the serum they stole from the yakuza so he longer had his quirk.

*Creak, Slam*

The sound of the door opening made the totured soul raise his head knowing a beautiful woman in her early 30's wearing a kimono exposing both soulders and showing most of her bust was standing there.

"Vell, vell id seeemz the bissh id back."

"Oh my how very rude of you and here I thought you lost all that fight in you, but it seems not. Guess I'll have to try even harder this time." Chills went down his back as it was said in a calm yet cold, unsettling way.

"Vour litle revellion won'd lash. Ha ha ...thish id goin do be destoyed an all ov you vill pay dealy, you quirvess thraAaahs-----" in a flash from the door she was in front of Shigaraki with a blade in his mouth.

In a cold, venom filled tone she spoke as if it was all set and stone.
"Listen here,BRAT, this is all just the beginning. Nothing will stop our plans  because the regime that 'All for one' created has its own goal to fulfill. We may be quirkless but that is not a problem."

"Wjeksjjslzhalxjaj" the blade in his mouth prevented him from speaking the barely coherent words he could form.

"That's enough 4th commander." With that the blade left Shigaraki's mouth. The lady kneeling to the person who entered.

"No.1, what brings you here this time?" The way she spoke was that of utmost respect. To the man that was bloodied and bruised though, he detested the him.

"Just checking how our good little buddy is holding up."

"Thow do you thin id goin. Thad hag coul hol bash a lil." Nothing but vemon in each word.

"Well, I don't see the problem then. Just a couple more days and it'll be all over." With that he turned around and walked towards the door.

"Waid I hab one queshion." A sting across his face.

"That's enough of you for to--"

"No. It's fine let him ask." Interested in the question he walks back to Shigaraki.

"Vat happened do.. the west ob the league?"

"...... Is that it? Well to say the least they are in a tricky predicament. We found the doctor and the rest of the nomu's and destroyed it all. Dabi and the gang have been assigned to capture someone, if they don't by the deadline they'll meet the same fate as you." Silence. The room started to feel small. Shigaraki had to know more or he'll go insane.

"Go on..... plesh" It hurt him to beg for the information.

"..... Kurogiri and Gigantomachia had their quirks taken away. As for All for One we have yet to locate him, but rest assured that it's only a matter of time." All three of them were in silence. Shigaraki was in thought as it all sank in.

"He..ha..ha.haHaahaHahahaahahah..HahHahaAhaaahaaaaAhaaha." exploding into a hysterical laughter he began to spout about.

"Hahahehe.. Do you weally thin youb won just becaw we no longer hab nomush. Haha, you should hab thacked down mashter firsh before.... hehh.. anything. You thin he vill fall, no,no,no, no mashter vill geth the doctor and then destroy all thissh the regime vill cease do exist." His laughter was slowly fading into a giggling fit.

"4th commander....... cut his tongue out and increase the dosage 3x its usual."

"Gladly sir" With that he left the two alone, hearing the screams as he went down the hall into a room with eight other people.

"So what time do we schedule the grand entrance?" A smile crept on his face as he walked to the chair at the head of the table.

Taking a seat he looks around before they start the discussion.

Heavy footsteps, shoving, running, air she needed air. People were in the way heros couldn't save her, all they seemed to do was only stall as she ran.


Screams could be heard in the background. Bumping into what felt like a brick wall, the little girl fell. Looking up she saw a tall muscular man but she knew who it was.

"Hehe, found you~" A smile formed on their face.

Pulling out a knife, they slash at the girls legs, but people around noticed and started panicing causing them to lose the girl. A blue fire wall kept the girl from running.

"There you are you little brat." The burnt villain was irrated it took so long to catch the child.

One by one civilians started to fall as villains showed up surrounding her. The man from before turned into a crazed looking girl blocking her. A lizard man and a fancy looking man stood to her right. A wall a fire behind her, the burnt man to her left, that was it she was surrounded. No where to run or hide. Closing in on her she fell to her knees.

"We did it, we actually might survive the re---" The gecko was ectastic but remembered  that heros are on their way.

"Yeah yeah let's just get this over with." Dabi got close he started to reach for the girl. Fear wasn't shown anywhere on her face, it was completly calm it made him second guess why the regime needed the child.


The scream made him snap out of it only to witness a beam shoot between his hand the girl.
The beam shot a couple of feet away. First looking at the direction of the explosion, then a voice heard from behind he turned towards it.

"Oi, oi, oi you guys disappear for almost a year and then you shits come out of the blue killing inoccents and all for a useless brat." Hands now in his pockets he walks to them only stopping 2 meters from them.

The dire situation brought back a memory and it only angered him more. With a serious face and determined eyes only one thought came to his mind.

"I won't let it happen twice."

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