the ol' switcheroo

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I changed up my theme on y'all and started to mainly post songs that I like and/or express my mood at that time. I also made an "art book" if you wanna check that out. I haven't posted anything on it though... so it's kinda pointless.

I've also been thinking about getting bangs. I've wanted them for a long time now, and it'll just add to the look I'm going for.

I'm still bringing in the bacon from my job, just not as much bc the other girl that worked there is back. My social skills are slowly getting better because of my "job" (I don't like to call it that because babysitting is just something I do all the time)

I'm almost one-hundred percent sure that my cousins will permanently move in with us. I feel terrible for them. They shouldn't have had to live in an environment like they did.

I'm getting a new trumpet and private lessons. My teacher genuinely believes that I can be something good, so I'll try to believe her too.

I've done basically nothing this summer, but I've been getting a little more confident, because I actually go to the public pool.

I've been having dreams about my mom dying and it's getting a little eerie. It might be because I found something out about her and I'm changing my perception of her...?? It sounds wacky, but it makes sense.

I'm super hyped for high school. I really want older friends that aren't addicted to drugs :)

I want to major in ASL in college. However, I still need to look into colleges.

Finished Stranger Things Three. Had me bawling. rip alexei.

And then ya'know, the basic... "too personal... I probs shouldn't share this" stuff too.

Thank you... this ted talk was amazing.

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