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"you said she was getting better." the harsh voice said, her tone showing her irritability at the doctor, who also happened to be her husband.

"it's just the shock. she's coming out of it now, i can tell. it wont be long before she breaks, and we will all be there for her when it happens. as soon as everything's hit her, she will come back to her senses. it's just a waiting game. she's not the same person as she was, lia. she's more stubborn. but she's also stronger. we've just got to wait." he reassured.

"wait for what? my niece to break and have every ounce of grief she's been putting off hit her all at once? i've been there. when mom passed. i cant sit and let that happen to her. whether she wants me in her life or not, i can't watch her go through that. i cant see her getting out the other end, michael." lia frowned and held the bridge of her nose, shaking her head as her throat tightened in sadness.

"she'll make it through this. with or without you. she's nearly an adult, now. she's strong. she will get through this." he comforted, going over to embrace her in his arms.

"i hope so. god, i really hope so."


madeline's P.O.V :

the distinct beeping filled my ears. that was the first thing i heard. the relentless beeping. i think it was enough to bring shivers to anyone's spine.

it drilled into your brain at first, the beeping. it cut through your attempts at thinking clearly until it just blurred into the rest of them. no longer annoying, just there and a part of you. reminding you that you aren't dead. basically.

my eyes flickered open and i cringed at the monstrously bright white light that seared my vision.

then i remembered. i remembered something.

my heart started to race, my eyes widening in realisation.

something from before.

i focused on it.

but the more i focused, the harder it was to picture.

no, no, no, no, no. i thought.

the blurred images in my brain started to fall apart. the voice. i knew there was a voice. i heard it. but i cant remember. i cant remember what it said, who it was. i cant remember what happened. i cant remember.

i cant fucking remember anything.

i felt my heart sink and although my eyes were open, i couldn't see. my body felt heavy and not like my own. but i didn't care. i just wanted to remember, id give anything, do anything...

i just want to remember.

"madeline!" a voice said, raised, almost shouting but still distant. it made me aware of the erratic beeping. my heart was doing that?

but i couldn't focus on anything else.

i almost wanted to cry. i was so close. so, so close. and now it's all gone.

who was i with? where was i? what did we say?

i grit my teeth and pulled myself up into a ball, rocking back and forth. i was determined.

i needed to remember.

come on brain. i thought. just do your fucking job for once. you're supposed to work with me, not against me.

"maddy." another voice said, it was worried and almost scared.

"her hands."

i heard rushing and fumbling before two warm hands gripped mine, the contact making me snap my head up, my eyes wide and blurred. i saw the figure of grayson, sitting beside me, his hands on mine and keeping them open.

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