Chapter 28

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I had waken up on the floor, probably another bad dream that was going to happen sometime today. Usually, at this time i am suppose too be in my ballet shoes turning away, but instead I am at home in my bedroom. I mean, I thought this was what I wanted but I'm not so sure anymore.

I had the best boyfriend in the world. He had hazel eyes and chestnut hair.. He was nun other than Josh Hyland. We broke up whatever. It was three years ago. I'm over it.

I have an audition for a movie today at 12:30, a photo shoot with Dance¡ magazine at 2:00 and a meeting with Paige for coffee at 3:10. My schedule is always busy but I always have time to dance..I mean sleep. I meant sleep. Not dance. Sleep.

Before all that, I have to go to school. Which starts in an hour. I'm only in half day school since I have a job so that means I have to face the ALDC crew again. I hate seeing them take on the school. I used to be a part of that and now I'm nothing.

Yes, I'm rich, famous and blonde, but at school I'm forgotten. "Who's Chloe? That brat from dance moms who quit? Oh ya her." That's pretty much what people say when they call my name during attendance..whatever. Life will always be this hard.

I arrive in my car in the school parking lot. Megan, my only true friend is sitting on a rock waiting for me. I get out and throw her the keys. "Take em girl. I know you forgot something at home." She laughs. "Yep. If Mr. Whoever asks where I am, say the washroom" then she takes off in my car.

I look straight forward and walk fast trying to avoid the Dance Brats. Maddie is the leader of the pact, with Mackenzie and Nia as her entourage. I see them but keep walking. "We'll look who it is!" Kenzie shouts. Fudge. She saw me. I keep walking. 'You using the Just Walk Away strategy Chloe?" Nia giggles. I keep walking. "Whatever girls. She's just jealous cause she didn't get the nationals solo that I won with." Maddie laughs. Ohhhhh that's it.

I turn around, "Well..I got that solo cause I beat you at regionals. What place did you come in again?? Oh ya...2nd..and who came first..oh" I smile and walk away. "Ugh!" Maddie screams and they all run away.

The bell rings and Megan is still not back. If she doesn't come, I don't know if ill survive the day. I head to homeroom to spot Josh kissing Maddie. Huh. Pathetic. She is bad news.

Everyone is sitting down waiting for the teacher the come. All of a sudden, tens of phones go off. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep. And who's doesn't beep? Mine...don't feel bad I'm used to it.

6 minutes later, while the teacher still has yet to arrive, I find out everyone has got an invite to Maddie's 19th birthday. Ugh. Now were the same age.

My butt vibrates. Awkward...oh right. My phone. It's Megan. "Ya girl where are you?" "I'm stuck in traffic. Won't be back until 3rd period. Sorry!" Ughhh come on!

Ms. Whatever finally arrives and takes attendance. When Megan's name is called, Maddie stands up. "Umm, Ms. Rockabilly, you see, I saw Megan ditch in Chloe's car before 1st bell." Really Maddie. Was that nessasary? Whatever. Now what. I stand up. "She forgot her writing assignment at home so she went to go pick it up." Ms. Hillbilly or whateve nods her head. "Thank you Chloe."


I got through homeroom, not sure how but now I'm off to math where the teacher talks about her messed up love life and we pretend to listen. So, pretty much my favourite subject.

I notice the time is 11:00 so I sign out in the office and head outside. Wait..I don't have a car! Well it's either i take the bus or walk.

Next thing you know I am getting off the bus stop in front of my house and running upstairs to change. Luckily, I brought spare house keys knowing this might happen cause of my dream.

I'm changing into a grey blazer, white tank top and black high low skirt. My phone vibrates again. It's the movie producer, dan.

Hey chloe, I heard you were a dancer so if you can bring your pointe shoes or jazz shoes, it be appreciated. And a change of clothes for your dance part. Thanks!


My what part?

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