"We have to go!"

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"Celia... your name is Celia." he relies in avery soft voice I almost miss it.


"Yes your name is Celia..." before he can finish I ask one last question.

"What's your name?"

"My name..." he turns and walks away without another word. He looks familiar. I think? I don't know. I wander around until someone says my name, which snapped me out of the daze I was in.

The girl that said my name looks familiar, long black hair, chocolate brown eyes, high cheekbones, and kinda short. Definitely familiar.

"Celia please come with me." she opens he mouth again to talk and a very high pitch sound comes out. She grabs my arm, her fingernails dig into my skin I can all ready feel tears forming in my eyes.

"Please let me go!" I plea.

"We have to go! It's just an alarm...your fine now come on!" she yells "We have to get to the bunker!"

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