Chapter 2

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My body felt like it was on fire,every part of me burned beyond belief. I didn't want to scream, I don't want them think I'm weak, I've got to keep it in. It was getting worse, my head was screaming for me to stop the pain, but I couldn't it just kept coming and coming.

With my last bit of strength, I undid the chain on my necklace, the tiny droplet stone fell from neck and landed gently on the grass. I really shouldn't have worn my new converse, oh well, little too late. 

I couldn't hold it back anymore, the pain was over powering me, I let out a scream. A few birds flew into the dark sky, startled by my scream.  My breath was heavy, sweat dripping from my face, I could feel it now, a voice calling for me, telling me it was time.

I closed my eyes, I tried to imagine somewhere better, but what came to my mind was not somewhere but someone. Well, not a face or a body, but a pair of eyes, they were emerald green, deffiantly belonging to a male. His face was hidden by the shadowy darkness, but his eyes were so welcoming, they made me feel alive.

I opened my eyes and nearly had a heartattack, everything was so defined and clear. I tried to take a step forward, but I instantly collapsed, I realized I was on all fours. I tried to stand up but failed miserably, my legs buckling under eachother. I sucked in a deep breath and pushed myself up again, this time I didn't fall. 

I took a shaky step forward, then another, then another and then another. I was finally walking, I turned around and whinced when I saw my favourite hoodie and new converse torn to shreads. Just fabulous. But then it hit me.

I'm a wolf. I'm actually a wolf. I'm a fucking wolf! After all this waiting and training, its finally happened, I'm finally the person or should I say wolf, I've always meant to be. 

I lift my head up and let out a deep howl, my whole vibrating with energy and fulfilment. A few seconds later, Alpha Todd comes out on his own, a wide smile spread across his face.

"Stella, your wolf is truly astounding, I haven't seen a noctis wolf in nearly 30 years."He says amazed, what the flapjacks does he mean by noctis? I lean my head to the side giving him a puzzled look.

"Noctis is latin for midnight, your wolf is the colour of midnight black, a very rare coating."He praises, if only wolves could blush. 

"Now Stella, your sense will be heightened, so don't worry if you hear weird sounds or anything, its all natural. You will need to take a run around the territory, so you can stretch your legs out and have some real fun. I would take you, but Lucas begged me to let him be your guide."He chuckled, I nodded my head in understanding. 

Suddenly a brown wolf appeared, I let out a growl, my instincts taking over, but when I saw the black tail I realized it was Lucas. His eyes stared in amazement when he saw me, but he let out a playful growl. Oh yeah, I forgot, Lucas always wanted to be a midnight wolf, well at least his tail is.

"You two go have fun, Stella I will tell your parents everything, so need to rush home."He said, and with that he abruptly turned around and left Lucas and I alone.

I turned to Lucas to see he was already looking at me, but he had an almost sad look in his eyes, why would he be sad? I let out a puppy like bark and nipped at his ear playfully, causing him to growl, but there was a playfull hint in his eyes.

I quickly dashed through the trees, dodging every second branch, while the rest slapped me in my face. I could hear Lucas running behind me, but I was faster, not bad for a newbie ay. 

We raced for about an hour, even though it felt like minutes, I let out a howl of victory when I made it a big field first. Causing Lucas to growl lowly, I just rolled my eyes at him, thank god I can do that as a wolf. 

Before I knew it, I was tackled to the ground, with Lucas now lying on top of me, an almost smirky look crossing his cute wolf face. Did I just say cute?

He bent down and licked the side of my cheek, what the heck Lucas? He then nuzzled his face in my shoulders and let out a little whine, why was he doing this? I just assumed it was friendly banter and decided I would play along. I licked his cheek and nibbled on his ear, causing him to growl almost seductively, if thats possible? 

I shoved him off me with what little strength I had left, my muscles were beginning to get sore, we had been running for a long time. I let out a whine and pretending to limp on my foot, its hard trying to talk to him through wolf sign language. He eventually worked out what I was saying and motioned for me to follow him.

As we wondered through the forest a sudden thought hit me, my mate.

I could find him now, he could be anywhere, he could be someone from my pack, someone I've hated or maybe had a crush on, I can finally know who it is. This both excited and scared me, I don't know if I'm ready, what if he doesn't like me.

I looked at Lucas, what if he had been my mate? What if we had gone from best friends to mates? Would he have rejected me? No, Lucas would never do that to his mate. I wonder what it would be like to be his mate, to have him love me in that way and not as a friend, the thought made me feel happy and angry at the same time. Part of me thinks it would be great to have him as a mate, while the other part thinks my future mate will be perfect for me. 

Suddenly Lucas stops, I look at him, trying to work out what's gotten into him. He lifts his head up and smells the air, his eyes widen suddenly and he lets out the most terrifying growl I've ever heard. I shrink back, making myself even smaller than him. He quickly turns to me and reasurringly licks my cheek, but I can see the tension in his body, something is wrong.

He starts to run instead of walk and I realize that we need to get back to the pack house as soon as possible. As we run a smell hits my nose, causing my running to faulter slightly. It smells like rain, but not rain at the same time, I've always loved the rain. I shake my head and let the thought dissapear, it must be the new wolf sense.

We eventually make our back to the pack house, our fathers waiting for us with clothes in the hands. I take the shirt and jeans and shift behind a tree. Its much easier turning back, it felt actually pretty nice. I pull on the clothes and run back to my dad.

"Oh darling, you make a wonderful wolf."He praises while hugging me gently, I smile at him, but it dissapears when Lucas appears throught trees, back in his usual skruffy hair and tan skin glory. His eyes flash over me, but quickly back to his father.

"What are they doing on our territory."Lucas spits out, venom laced through his words. I flinch slightly at the harshness of his voice, what is happening?

"I don't know Lucas, they deffiantly were not given permission. But I don't sense much danger, I think there's only one or two."Alpha Todd says gently, but Lucas is having none of it.

"It doesn't matter how many there are, I want them as far as possible or even better dead."He shouts, I've seen Lucas loose his temper before, its not a pretty sight.

"Lucas calm down."My father chimmes in, but Lucas just seems like a ball of fire right now.

"I will not calm down while those blood suckers are on our land."He growls, I let out a small gasp, blood suckers, does me mean vampires, I can feel my heart beat pick up, but not from fear, from something else.

"Wait, there are vampires in our territory."I ask, I can feel my inner wolf jumping, but why? Everyone turns to me and they all have sullen faces, while mine is lit up like a christmas tree.

"Yes, but not for long."Lucas growls.

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