Princess Makayla Part 10

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I knew that something had to be done before The Queen realized that Tata was gone. I sat on Tata's bed and started to analyze the letter in detail. Read line by line until I found a clue where to look. The first thing that she found was Tata thanking Amari.

I jumped up, ran to Amari's room, burst through the door, and grabbed Amari up in her bed, "Wake up! Wake up!"

Amari looked horrified, "What is wrong? Kayla, have you lost your mind?"

In a strong soft voice I whispered, "Where is Tata? Please, this is important."

Amari laid back down and rolled over, "I don't know what you are talking about. Tata is in her room. Anyway if she is gone how would I know where she is?"

I am getting frustrated, "If you do not tell me what you know I will tell mom that you were involved with Tata running away."

Amari jumped up with a scared look on her face, "Okay, Tata and Man-Man ran off together. They've been seeing each other every night since the first time they met. I tried to tell Tata that she would not like being the wife of a stable boy, but who am I? I am just her sister."

Kayla jumped up off the bed, "Where did they go? I have to go bring her back before the wedding. I only have hours before mom starts asking questions. Amari please think. Think very hard."

Amari lowered her head and said, "Okay, the last time I talked to Tata she mention something about going south and catching a boat. She said that Man-Man has friends who are willing to help them in any way they could. I hope that she does not get into any trouble."

I ran out of the door saying, "It's too late for that."

I had to find mother. The Queen was still up making sure that everything was in order for the wedding, "Mom I have to go find Tata!"

Queen Irma looked puzzled, "Why do you need to find Tata? Isn't she in bed? Is everything alright?"

I smiled at her and stated, "Everything is fine. Tata just got cold feet about the wedding. I'll make sure that everything is fine. I'll be back in less than 4 hours. I promise."

The Queen glanced away, "Make sure that you bring her back. I knew that she was scared, but I had no idea that she would go to this extreme. Did she go by herself?"

"I'm sure she is by herself. She just needed some time to think. Everything will work itself out."

Queen Irma smiles and caressed my left arm, "Take someone with you to bring her back just in case she resists."

I kissed her on the cheek and said, "Yes, mother."


I grabbed one of the guards and swore him to secrecy. Told him that if he told what he was about to see that when I became queen he would be working the stable scooping horse poop. He agreed to keep everything that he was about to see a secret and they rode off. The guard and I rode south to the docks hoping to find Tata. When they arrived at the docks there were over twenty Royal Guards surrounding Tata and Man-Man. Tata and Man-Man were holding each other as the other guard tried to pull them apart.

I jumped off of my horse and yelled, "That is enough! Let those two go!" The Head Guard of the Kingdom to the North fell to one knee and the others followed.

I asked the head guard to rise asking him, "What is the problem?"

The guard stated, "I am under strict orders to bring Man-Man back to the castle under any means necessary. The King found out that he was running away with a maid and decided to arrest her and bring him back."

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