// The one and only thing you need to know about the WWA film: IT WAS AWFUL //

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Like wow. Low production quality, terrible editing, terrible transitions. Pretty sure my iPhone could take better quality shots at certain points. I’ve never been so dissatisfied after a movie before.

Yeah the ot5 is great in the interview, but the interview was horribly shot. Ben was filmed in higher quality than all the boys. Often they would focus on one boy and blur out the others to do so. It looked like a C-grade high school production.

I won’t even touch on how poorly the interview itself was conducted.

As for the concert portion… After a lame and over dramatic transition that felt forced and stilted, we saw them perform. They cut out some of the best songs imo (strong and better than words) and instead used hysterical clips of fans crying as filler.

The editing in the concert portion was dreadful. The quality of the film was piss poor, it was grainy and out of focus a lot. You couldn’t focus on a clip long enough because it switched every 3 seconds. Sorry, but I didn’t come here to watch a bunch of mascara stained teenagers crying their eyes out thanks.

I’m amazed that this final product was approved for release. It was, in simple terms, pathetic. They put no real effort into this, I don’t think they care anymore. This was a money grabbing scam and nothing more. And it worked. I give it 1/5. The 1 is because despite everything, the boys are cute and I’m whipped as fuck.

Source: whatiwishicould.tumblr.com

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