New Beginnings

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She heaved a sigh until now she can't understand why her mom won't agree on her trip to Thailand.

Earlier the day.

"Mom I want to book a trip to Thailand and I'm not asking for your permission since I'm gonna do it whether you like it or not, but as a sign of my respect I'm notifying you."

"Yaya it's not that I don't want you to go there it's just I feel uncomfortable and honestly I don't feel like your safe on that place. Remember you had your accident there due to your carelessness."

"But mom I was 23 that time and it was like 5 years ago can I not be free? I feel like your hiding something from me on how strongly you disagree of me going to that place."

"No, I wouldn't hide anything from you even if you ask your sister Catreeya, she would disagree too."

"Mom Reeya is in England finishing her Doctorate degree and I even consulted her about this, and she said as long as I'm careful then she wouldn't disagree."

"Yaya let's not talk about this now, your dad will be home now let's prepare for dinner okay." And her mother did pat her shoulders.

What can I do for mom to agree? This is frustrating.

Everytime I wanted to go somewhere she needs to tag along, or dad should be with us. So instead of enjoying the vacation I feel like not, don't get me wrong I really love my parents but sometimes they're too strict with my activities. Mom said it started when the accident that almost took my life happened and she realized that she can't bear the pain of her daughter dying in front of her. After that they made sure if I go out, I have a chaperon whether it would be her, my dad, our butler or helpers, so long as someone would oversee my actions or activities.

And sometimes even if I know they have good intentions, I still feel I'm being chained from my freedom, and never have I mention this to anyone, but I feel that I missed something after my involvement to the vehicular accident.

I feel like I've been forgetting a very important thing.

I don't know how to describe but most of the nights I keep on longing for something that is too vague.

So, I decided that maybe that country would answer my questions, I am determined to go there no matter what happened I'm going to find out what really happened that tragic day.

The weird part is I know I remember everything from my younger days until now but, I have never remembered I've been in Thailand. So how in the world did I step into a country that is almost 15 hours of travel from Norway.

I know mom would never lie to me, but my instinct says she is hiding something from me.

I decided to call Kimmy this is the only way I could leave the house without mom being against my decision.

I decided to call Kimmy this is the only way I could leave the house without mom being against my decision

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"Hello Yaya, what honor do I have today that you decided to call me?"

"Sorry Kimmy, I know that this might be out of the line but I'm going to ask you a favor, okay?"

"Wait don't tell me this is the reason why I feel so restless since this morning and now I know why. I'm in Germany dear, I live here so I know you wouldn't ask me a favor that would mean I'm going to leave my house, right?"

"Well about that, the favor I wanted to ask you is could you accompany me to Thailand?"


"Come on don't shout at me Kimmy please, I know you think that I'm being reckless again, but I really want to take a vacation there."

"Sorry, I didn't mean to raise my voice, but you know that your mom wouldn't allow you to travel far without her."

"I know that's why I'm gonna ask you this favor, can you tell mom that you'll accompany me to Thailand, please?"

Kim is silently thinking.

"Please, I'm begging you, Kimmy. I will pay for all the expenses."

"Excuse me, dear, I'm not poor so you don't have to bribe me, I'm just really worried about your plan."

"Please help me, I'll do anything just this once please."

"Okay I'm going to do this favor, but Yaya you must promise me that no matter what happens you must be careful, or your mom would literally kill me and besides I think you need a vacation too. But can you tell me the exact reason why you wanted to go there; I know it's not just about vacation. I sense that it's more than that."

"I just want to know what it is that I'm longing. Even me Kimmy I don't know what I wanted to do in that country and I'm really frustrated since I chose different countries, but it all leads me back to Thailand. So, this time I decided to follow my guts."

"Wow by just telling me that, I know we're going to get in trouble. Okay, so what would happen then?"

"I'm going to tell mom that you agree to be with me in Thailand then after we travel okay."

"I understand, I just really hope whatever is it your looking for would be found."

(How can I lie to you without even batting my eyelashes, I feel like I'm betraying you, but you must understand I did for your sake and that's what I'm believing too. Forgive me once you found out the truth, I never wanted to hide it from you.)



-So I wrote another story for NY, but this time I think this is a sadder version and take note that this will be 8 chapters only in total for this book.

-Somewhat inspired with Goblin K-Drama series when Eun-tak lost her memory of Kim Shin.

-Thank you all for supporting my works, I really appreciate it.

-This time update is sporadic.

-Sorry for the incorrect grammars or spellings on the chapter.

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