Chapter four

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“It really was worth it.” Owen said, nuzzling into my chest. I kissed the top of his head. “It really was.” I said, tangling my fingers in his soft blonde waves. I felt his body move next to me beneath the sheets. Owen-. I started to say. But then he was gone.

I sat up in my own bed, alone. I looked around, feeling the tears well up in my eyes. It was just a dream. I thought. Getting to that place, being with him in that way, seemed so impossible. No, no. I thought, determined now. I got out of bed, pulling on the jeans next to me. I walked over to the closet, digging through the pile on the floor for a shirt. I grabbed a black sleevless one that hugged my sides. But the London bridge wasn't built in a day, and neither was my love for Owen. And, just like that bridge, it was going to take a whole lot before it was destroyed beyond repair.

I stumbled into the school in a daze. My eyes searched around. People around me everywhere, some smiling, some sharing my lost expression. Then I found him. “Hey, Jack!” I called out, walking towards him. Woah. I thought, seeing him. He stood tall leaning against a pilar near the lunchroom, one foot on the wall, hands in his pockets. He wore a tight fitted gray striped jacket, dark skinny jeans and a black Bring me the horizon teeshirt. His hair swooped softly to the side. Damn. “Sabrina.” he smiled as I approached. “Sabrina!” I heard Owen's voice call from across the hall. I glanced over at him. He stared at me, his face multiple emotions. Confusion, annoyance, and maybe if I was lucky, a little jealousy. I turned back to face Jack, and grabbed him into a hug. His body was warm pressed up against me, his hands loosly squeezing my sides. I lifted my head up from his shoulder to see him looking at me. “Hi.” he said, his voice gravely. There were stars in his eyes, millions of them making up different constallations that were making me forget my own name. “H-hi.” I said. Turning my head away. I could feel the blood rushing into my cheeks. His fingers gently touched them, turning my face to meet his. We were eye to eye now, noses barley touching, our breath mixing. We were paralyzed in the moment. “Sabrina!” I heard Owen call me again. I felt Jack's lips on mine. “I like how you say hello.” I said pulling away. BRIIING! The bell sounded over our heads. I looked over my shoulder at Owen, who was staring at me in disbelief. His dark green jacket made the blue of his eyes stand out like a sinner in church, and he looked positively angry. I quickly kissed Jack's lips again. “I'll see you later okay?” I said, smiling. “I like how you say goodbye.” he said.

12:00. Time for lunch I thought. I entered the lunchroom, searching for Jack. We'd started sitting together yesterday, over by the big picture window overlooking the schools parking lot. The lunchroom was a bright white room, with black tables and red circle seats. Two long lines surrounded the food serving area, people from every grade lined up to eat greasy overcooked mashed potatoes and pizza. I wrinkled my nose. Ew. “Sabrina.” I heard a voice say. I turned around, expecting to see Jack. “Owen!” I said surprised. Owen stood six foot four inches tall in a dark green zip up hoodie, a grey muscle teeshirt and brown kahki shorts. “Bri, we need to talk.” he said, grabbing me by the arm, leading me out of the lunchroom. “Ow!” I said. His grip was a bit too tight. I shook my arm loose from his grasp as we walked out into the hallway. “What the hell, Owen?” I asked, rubbing my arm. “I should ask you the same thing.” he said frowning. “What does that mean?” I asked, my voice shaking. Could he tell what I was trying to do? “What are you doing with Jack Lowell?” “We're friends.” I said with my hands on my hips. “Ha, yeah, with benefits.” He smirked. “What are you trying to say Owen?” “I'm trying to say I saw you with his tounge down your throat, don't do that thing with your hands.” “My hands?” “When you put them on your hips, I know your mad.” He'd caught me off guard. I'd almost forgotten how well he knew me. “Whatever.” I retorted. “Maybe I like kissing him.” “You barley even know him, this isn't you Bri. Not after homecoming.” I shuddered deeply at the memory. “I thought we agreed never to bring that up!” I yelled. He took a step back, holding up his hands. “We also agreed to be honest with eachother.” “If something's going on between you and Lowell you know you can tell me.” “What do you mean something going on?” “Did you give it to him?” he asked, looking down at his feet. “What?” I asked, my eyes wide. “You know what I mean Bri.” “I can't believe you would think that, I just met him two days ago.” “Bri I didn't mean-” he started. “Oh I know what you meant. But unlike you I've kept our promise Owen.” I looked over at the door, considering going back inside. I saw a figure walking towards it from inside. Jack. “But not for long.” I said, pushing the door. Open. “Sabrina!” I heard Owen call. “Sabrina.” Jack said, bumping into me. “Are you okay? I saw him grab you.” “I'm fine Jack.” I said. “You want to hangout tonight?” he asked. His cheeks were turning red. “We could go to my house and watch movies. I-I have a bunch of choices I mean, you know if you want to come...” I”d love to I said, kissing his cheek to make him quiet. It worked. “Come on” I said, walking towards our usual table. “Let's go eat.”

8:30 pm. Jack lived in a small mint green one story house on the outskirts of town. The yard was unkept, the grass was dry and brown. I walked up the gravel drive way, looking down noticing the garden. It was full of red roses. Maybe a hundred of them all bunched together above dark soil. “Beautiful.” I said. “Not as beautiful as you.” Jack said. “Hey!” I said. “I didn't hear you open the door.” “That's because I'm a ninja.” he said, making karate movements with his hands. I rolled my eyes, grinning. What a dork. He's so adorable. “Come in madam.” He said in a very bad french accent, guiding me in the house with his hands. It was small inside. The light brown walls of the living room were littered with tons of pictures in black frames. A little boy on a red bike, a baby girl blowing bubbles out of a baby blue bubble wand, an older woman blowing out candles on a pink birthday cake, and a younger Jack holding a green skateboard, grinning with a mouth full of braces. “Hello, you must be Sabrina.” A voice said. I looked up. Mrs. Lowell stood maybe four eleven, in a pale purple sweater and blue high rise jeans, blonde hair wrapped up in a bun, with Jack's same hazel eyes looking at me, and the most kind smile I'd ever seen. “You are so beautiful!” she exclaimed, pulling me into a hug. “Mom..” Jack moaned. “Oh enough of that Jack.” She said. “Would you like some cookies hun?” she asked, pulling away. “Sure, that would be nice.” I said smiling. “Well come on pinkie pie, she said to Jack. “Help me serve our guest.” “Mom!” Jack said, blushing wildly. “ “Ha!” I laughed. “Ugh.” jack said, follwing behind her.

The rest of the night was full of movies and popcorn, and an album full of embarassing pictures of Jack. His first bath, potting training...his mom really brought out every cliché “Meet the parents” activity. “Now you too behave yourselves.” She'd said, walking out of the room. “I'm gonna turn in early tonight.” “You be a good boy Jack, I don't want any grand babies yet.” She winked, laughing as she left the room. I looked over at Jack, feeling my face heat up. Luckily he couldn't see, he'd buried his face in his hands. “She's gone.” I whispered pulling his hands off his face. “I'm sorry about all that.” he said. “No, no.” I said. “I liked it.” “Well, lets watch this.” He said, pressing the play button on the remote. I turned my head towards the TV. Beauty and the Beast started playing on the tiny grey screen. “My favorite!” I said smiling at him. “You remembered that?” I asked. “Of course I did, it's important to you.” I could feel myself melting. “Plus, it's kind of my favorite too.” He said looking away. That did it. I grabbed his face, kissing him hard. He quickly kissed back, falling with me onto the couch. We switched postions, and I climbed on top of him. A little while later I heard the TV singing softly “Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme...” We'd been kissing for so long I'd lost track of time. “Oh man we missed most of the movie.” Jack said. “It was worth it though,” He said smiling. He was still holding onto my waist as I sat up. “I've got to go.” I said, looking at my phone. 11:30. Curfew was 12:00, as it took me twenty minutes to get back home. “Oh, Okay.” he said sadly. “I'll see you tomorrow.” I said, kissing his cheek. He walked me to the door. “I really like you, Sabrina.” He said, leaning up against the white door. His eyes shone clearly, and the moonlight illuminated his face. I felt my stomach overwhelm itself with butterflies. Uh oh. “I really like you too, Jack.” I said, opening my car door.

I drove down the highway, my head swarming with thoughts. What does this mean? Do I really like Jack? I still loved Owen though, that I knew for sure. But the way Jack made me feel was so different than what I felt with Owen. Oh god, Owen. I thought, feeling tears spill down my cheeks. I pictured him, sitting on my front porch in his light purple button down shirt and black pants. He was holding pink roses, and he couldn't stop smiling. It was the night of Sophmore homecoming, and he had been determined to make this one better for me since the events of the previous one had been so awful. “You look so beautiful.” he breathed, seeing me. I remembered standing there in my short sparkling white dress, my brown locks pulled up into a side bun, and not knowing what to do with my hands. I rarley wore dresses, and I was so nervous. He held my hand gently as we walked up to the school building, the music shaking the ground outside. “You can do this.” He said, holding me in a bear hug. “Tonight is our night this time, and I wont let anything bad happen to you ever again.” “I'll always be there for you, Bri, I swear.” He said, leaning down and kissing my cheek gently. I snapped back to reality, turning into my driveway.

What I wouldn't give for that to still be true.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11, 2014 ⏰

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