Part 1

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Hopper didn't die and is living with the Byers and El.
No one is moving
Eleven didn't lose her powers
El and Mike are back together

Eleven's POV

I woke up to see Will's bed empty. I hear voices outside my room and smile. I walk out to see everyone up and laughing. Living like a big family has been the best thing since Mike and Eggos. Johnathan was cooking while Joyce, Hopper, and Will were sitting at the table and soft music was playing in the background. I sit next to Will and across from Hop. "Hey sleepyhead, how did you sleep?" Joyce asked sitting next to Hop. "I slept well. I wanted to be well rested for the arcade!" I said exited to see everybody, well Dustin is at camp. My first ever school year was a rollercoaster! (Something I'm hoping to go on this summer.) I'm glad to have downtime and no have homework. I smile as a hot egg is slid onto my plate. I smiled at Johnathan as everyone got their food. After I finished I used my powers to put the plates in the sink. Joyce raised an eyebrow and looked at me. Hopper and Joyce weren't a huge fan of me using my powers, Johnathan and Will were cool about it though. I stand up and head to my room to get dressed. I pick up jean shorts and a random top. I head to the bathroom and let Will change. I brush my hair and leave it down. When I exit the bathroom Will is waiting. "We're leaving!" I announce before me and Will head out the door. I grab my bike and Will and I set off. I hear the clinking of coins in Will's pockets. He pulls out his radio and tells the group we are on our way. "Okay Max isn't here yet so you three are the last ones. Over" Lucas says. I smile, Mike is there. We bike and talk before the arcade and a redhead come into view. "Max!" I yell getting her attention. "Oh hey guys!" Max says setting her skateboard down. Will and I park our bikes and we all head in. "Okay so how much do you have?" Lucas asks as he was right by the door. "Well hello to you too." Will says taking out the money. "Hey guys!" Mike says looking at me and Max. "We are girls Mike." Max says hitting his arm. "Really?" Mike asks pretending to be shocked. We laugh and I can't help to look at Mike. They way his hair moves and his body shakes when he laughs makes me so happy. Mike smiles and kisses my forehead before Lucas starts making a plan. "Wait so we have enough for a round of DDR?" (Please pretend DDR came out in 1986 not 1999) Mike asks staring at the new game. "Okay you and Will can play," Lucas says giving them some extra coins. "But only once!" He says as the two boys head to the game. I laugh and follow them. "You guys are addicted!" I say as Max and Lucas walk off. "No we just have a strong love for this game!" Will says putting in the coins. Upbeat, loud music starts to play as the arrows start falling from the screen. I watched as Mike and Will dances together. Mike's lanky legs move on beat. His whole body gets into it and he has to keep flipping his hair out of his face. "El?" Mike says taking me out of my head. "Oh! You're done." I say seeing the screen off. Mike laughs. "Sorry was I too distracting?" He said making Will laugh. "Yep you're cute when you dance" I said bluntly. Mike's face turned red which he told me was a sign of embarrassment. He was cute when he was embarrassed. "Um okay let's go find Max and Lucas!" Mike says speed walking off. Will puts a hand on my shoulder. "You really do a number on him." "A number?" I ask. "You effect him, do a number." Will said following Mike. "A number." I repeat before following them.

"No! That's not fair! How come you get all the kids!" Lucas whined as Max got another kid. "I hate Life." Lucas said under his breath. Mike spun the wheel and moved his car a few spaces forward. I spin the wheel and move closer to the end. "How is El so far?" Will asks as he takes his turn. "I'm just good!" I say sitting up and grabbing Mike's hand. "And you are just bad!" Mike says as Will is the farthest back. Max moved and landed on the same spot as me. The game came down to an end and to no surprise Max won. "Hey guys wanna stay over?" Mike asks as he puts the games away. "Sure." "I'll see." "I'll call my parents." Everyone takes turns on the phone as Mike and I sit on the couch snuggled up to each other. "Me and Max have to go home to get our stuff." Lucas says walking to the door. "Max and I!" Max says correcting him. "Okay bye!" Mike said before the door shut. "I'll be right back but Johnathan is dropping our stuff off!" Will says before heading to and closing the bathroom door. Mike sits up and starts rambling "I'm thinking we could watch a movie! Like ET or-" I cut Mike off by kissing him on the lips. Mike blushed and leaned into the kiss. He set his hand on my face and cupped it gently. I set my hand on his leg and the other on his hip. Mike pulled away and looked at the bathroom door. "We should stop, Will-" Mike started before I kissed him again and moved closer to him. "I'll let you go this once Mike Wheeler." I said before pulling away. Mike blushed and jumped away when the bathroom door opened. "Okay guys I leave for one second and you two start making out!" Will says laughing. "No!" Mike says. "Let's play UNO!" Mike says holding up the card game.

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